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JGJ 26-2010: Design standard for energy efficiency of residential buildigns in severe cold and cold zones
JGJ 26-2010
Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
P File No.. J 997-2010
Design Standard for Energy Efficiency of Residential
Buildings in Severe Cold and Cold Zones
Issued by. Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's
Republic of China
Table of Contents
1 General Provisions . 7 
2 Terms and Symbols . 7 
2.1 Terms . 7 
2.2 Symbols . 8 
3 Climate Sub-zone and Calculation Parameter of Indoor Thermal Environment . 8 
4 Building and Envelope Thermal Design .. 9 
4.1 General Requirements . 9 
4.2 Envelope Thermal Design . 10 
4.3 Building Envelope Thermal Performance Trade-off .. 15 
5 Energy Efficiency Design on HVAC System . 18 
5.1 General Requirements .. 18 
5.2 Heat Source, Heating Plant and Heat Supply Network . 18 
5.3 Heating System . 22 
5.4 Ventilation and Air-conditioning System . 24 
Appendix A Climate Zone Criteria, Weather Data, Heat Loss Index Requirements of Building
for Cities .. 27 
Appendix B Methodology for Mean Heat Transfer Coefficient and Linear Heat Transfer
Coefficient of Thermal Bridge . 45 
Appendix C Calculation of Heat Transfer Coefficient of Ground of Building . 50 
Appendix D Simplification on Building Shading Coefficient . 54 
Appendix E Correction Factor of Building Envelope (ε) and Temperature Difference
Correction Factor of Enclosing Balcony (ξ) . 58 
Appendix F Building Area and Volume . 85 
Appendix G Minimum Thickness of Heating Pipe's Insulation Layer (δmin) . 87 
Explanation of Wording in This Code . 90 
List of Quoted Standards . 91 
1 General Provisions
1.0.1 This standard was formulated with a viewing to implementing the relevant national laws,
regulations and policies on energy conservation and environment protection, improving the
thermal environment in residential buildings in severe cold and cold zones and improving the
energy efficiency of heating.
1.0.2 This standard applies to the design for energy efficiency of those constructed, renovated
and extended residential buildings in severe cold and cold zones.
1.0.3 The residential buildings in severe cold and cold zones must adopt energy saving design.
On the condition of ensuring the indoor thermal environment, the thermal, heating and
ventilating as well as air conditioning design shall control the energy consumption for heating
within the specified range.
1.0.4 The energy efficiency design of residential buildings in severe cold and cold zones shall
not only comply with those specified in this standard, but also shall comply with those specified
in the relevant current national standards.
2 Terms and Symbols
2.1 Terms
2.1.1 Heating degree day based on 18 ℃ (hereinafter referred as heating degree day)
Heating degree days in a year, gotten by accumulating the difference of the mean daily
temperature (in a day when the mean daily temperature outdoor is under 18 ℃) to 18 ℃,
multiplied by 1d.
2.1.2 Cooling degree day based on 26 ℃ (hereinafter referred as cooling degree day)
Cooling degree days in a year, gotten by accumulating the difference of the mean daily
temperature (in a day when the mean daily temperature outdoor is higher than 26℃) to 26 ℃,
multiplied by 1d.
2.1.3 Heating period for calculation
Number of days that the mean daily temperature is under or equal to 5 ℃, gotten by rolling
mean method. The heating period for calculation is only used for building energy efficiency
design calculation, and it may not be equal to the number of local statutory heating days.
2.1.4 Mean outdoor temperature during heating period
Arithmetic mean value of outdoor mean daily temperature during heating period for
2.1.5 Shape factor
The ratio of the building external surface area contacting the outdoor atmospheric air to
the enclosed volume of the building. The external surface area excludes the area of floor, and
non-heating staircase internal wall and doors.
2.1.6 Index of heat loss of building
Under the mean outdoor temperature during heating period, the quantity of heat supplied
by the indoor heating equipment, required for keeping the interior design calculation
temperature in unit time on unit building area.
2.1.7 Heat transfer coefficient of building envelope
Heat transferred through the building envelope in unit time on unit area under the steady
state condition that the air temperature difference on both sides of the building envelope is 1 ℃.
2.1.8 Mean heat transfer coefficient of external wall
The heat transfer coefficient of external wall, in consideration of thermal bridge affect in
2.1.9 Modification coefficient of building envelope
Correction factor introduced in consideration of the influence of solar radiation on building
envelope heat transmission.
2.1.10 Window to wall ratio
The ratio of the window hole area to the room vertical plane unit area (area enclosed by
building story height and bay position line).
2.1.11 Efficiency of boiler
The efficiency of a boiler under actual operation condition during heating period.
2.1.12 Efficiency of network
the ratio of the network output total heat to the total heat supplied into the network.
2.1.13 Ratio of electricity consumption to transferred heat quantity
Under the heating calculated temperature indoor and outdoor, the ratio of the full-day
theoretical pump power consumption to the full-day heating load.
2.2 Symbols
2.2.1 Weather data
HDD18——Heating degree day, ℃·d;
CDD26——Cooling degree day, ℃·d;
Z——Heating period for calculation, d;
te——Mean outdoor temperature during heating period, ℃.
2.2.2 Building
S——Shape factor, 1/m;
qH——Index of heat loss of building,W/m2;
K——Heat transfer coefficient of building envelope, W/ (m2·K);
Km——Mean heat transfer coefficient of external wall, W/ (m2·K);
εi——Correction factor of Heat transfer coefficient of building envelope, zero dimension.
2.2.3 Heating System
η1——Heat delivery efficiency of outdoor network, zero dimension;
η2——Efficiency of boiler, zero dimension;
EHR——Ratio of electricity consumption to transferred heat quantity, zero dimension.
3 Climate Sub-zone and Calculation Parameter of Indoor Thermal
3.0.1 According to the range of different heating degree day (HDD 18) and cooling degree
day (CDD 26), the severe cold and cold zones can be divided into 5 climate sub-zones indicated
in Table 3.0.1.
Table 3.0.1 -- Climate sub-zones in energy efficiency design of residential buildings in severe cold and cold
if arranged, shall not be larger than 400mm; the heat transfer coefficient limit of bay window
shall be 15 % lower than the one of ordinary window, and the heat transfer coefficient of its
nontransparent top, bottom and side shall be less than or equal to the one of the external wall.
The window area of bay window and the wall area occupied by the bay window, worked out
for the window to wall ratio, shall be calculated according to the window aperture opening area.
4.2.6 The external window and open balcony door shall have good leak tightness. the
airtightness grade of external window and open balcony in severe cold zone shall not be lower
than grade 6 specified in the national standard "Graduations and Test Methods of Air
Permeability Water Tightness Wind Load Resistance Performance for Building External
Windows and Doors" GB/T 7106-2008. The airtightness grade of external window and open
balcony door of...
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