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HG/T 4215-2011: Controlled-release fertilizer
HG/T 4215-2011
ICS 65.080
G 21
Reference No.. 34618-2012
Controlled-release fertilizer
Issued by. Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the
People 's Republic of China
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Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3 
1 Scope ... 4 
2 Normative references ... 4 
3 Terms and definitions ... 5 
4 Classification ... 6 
5 Requirements ... 6 
6 Test methods ... 7 
7 Inspection rules ... 14 
8 Marks ... 17 
9 Packaging, transport and storage ... 18 
Annex A (Normative) Rapid determination of cumulative release rate of
nutrient ... 19 
- Conductivity method ... 19 
Annex B (Normative) Rapid determination of nitrogen release rate -
Spectrophotometry ... 20 
This Standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T
1.1-2009 Directives for standardization - Part 1. Structure and drafting of
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this Standard
may be the subject of patent rights. The issuing authority shall not be held
responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
Annex A, Annex B of this Standard are normative.
This Standard was proposed by China Petroleum and Chemical Industry
This Standard shall be under the jurisdiction of Subcommittee on New
Fertilizer, National Technical Committee on Fertilizers and Soil Conditioning
Agents of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC105 / SC5).
Main drafting organizations of this Standard. National Fertilizer Quality
Supervision and Inspection Center (Shanghai), Shandong Kingenta
Ecological Engineering Co., Ltd., Shandong Agricultural University, China
Agricultural University.
Main drafters of this Standard. Liu Gang, Wan Lianbu, Cao Yiping, Xu
Qiuming, Chen Hongkun, Yang Yi, Duan Lulu, Dong Maozhong.
This Standard was issued for the first time.
Controlled-release fertilizer
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the terms, requirements, test methods, inspection
rules, marks, packaging, transport and storage of controlled release fertilizer.
This Standard applies to single, compound (combined), blending (BB)
controlled release fertilizer made in various processes.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of
this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including
any amendments) applies.
GB/T 6679, General rules for sampling solid chemical products
GB/T 8170-2008, Rules of rounding off for numerical values and expression
and judgement of limiting values
GB 8569, Packing of solid chemical fertilizers
GB/T 8572, Determination of total nitrogen content for compound fertilizers
titrimetric method after distillation
GB/T 17767.3-1999, Determination of organic-inorganic compound
fertilizers - Part 3. Total potassium content
GB 18382, Fertilizer marking - Presentation and declaration
GB 21633, Bulk Blending Fertilizer
GB/T 22923, Determination of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium for
fertilizers by auto analyzer
GB/T 24891, Determination of particle size for compound fertilizers
HG/T 2843, Chemical fertilizer Products-standard volumetric, standard,
reagent and indicator solutions for chemical analysis
and preparation methods are not specified.
6.1 Appearance
Use visual inspection method.
6.2 Determination of total chlorine content
Carry out according to the method specified in corresponding core product
standard or the one specified in GB/T 22923. Take chemical method as the
arbitration method.
6.3 Determination of water-soluble phosphorus and available
phosphorus as well as calculation of mass fraction of water-soluble
phosphorus accounting for available phosphorus
Carry out according to the method specified in corresponding core product
standard or the one specified in GB/T 22923. Take chemical method as the
arbitration method.
6.4 Determination of potassium content
Carry out according to the method specified in corresponding core product
standard or the one specified in GB/T 22923. Take chemical method as the
arbitration method.
6.5 Determination of moisture
Carry out according to the method specified in corresponding core product
6.6 Determination of particle size
Choose the appropriate test sieve. Carry out according to the method
specified in GB/T 24891.
6.7 Determination of release rate of nutrient
6.7.1 Method summary
Use water to soak the test material. At the specified temperature and time, the
nutrients in the sample are dissolved from the fertilizer particles into the water.
Use post-distillation titration or automatic analyzer to determine the total
ammonia content. Use flame photometric method or gravimetric method or
automatic analyzer method to determine the dissolved potassium content.
The conductivity method in Annex A or the spectrophotometric method in
Annex B can also be used to determine the dissolved nutrient content
according to the controlled release nutrient in core product. The mass fraction
shall be same.
Determine the extraction temperature of cumulative release rate of nutrient of
stated release longevity of nutrient as 25°C, extraction time as days of
indicated stated release longevity of nutrient; or as the indicated extraction
temperature (15°C, 60°C or 100°C) of simulated inspection as well as
corresponding days or hours. The detection result under this condition is
expressed by wt. Extraction of controlled release nutrient Extraction at 25°C
Weigh about 10 g of the uncrushed test material in 7.4.2 (to the nearest 0.01
g) and put into a pouch made of nylon gauze with aperture of 150 µm (100
mesh). After sealing, place the pouch in a 250 mL glass or plastic bottle. Add
into 200 mL of water. Cover it and seal. Place in a 25°C biochemical incubator.
The sampling time is 24 h, 3 d, 5 d, 7 d, 10 d, 14 d, 28 d, 42 d, 56 d. The time
interval for subsequent sampling shall be based on the release of controlled
release nutrients (the maximum interval must not exceed 28 d) until the
cumulative release rate of nutrient exceeds 80%. When sampling, make the
bottle up and down three times to make the liquid concentration in the bottle
consistent. Move them all into a 250 mL volumetric flask. Cool to room
temperature and set volume to scale for the determination of nitrogen and
potassium release contents according to,, respectively. Then,
add 200 mL of water into the bottle loaded with test material pouch. Cover
and seal. Then place into the biochemical incubator for continuous cultivation. Extraction at 15°C, 60°C
The extraction temperatures shall be 15°C, 60°C. Carry out according to the
steps of Extraction at 100°C
Weigh about 10 g of the uncrushed test material in 7.4.2 (to the nearest 0.01
g) and put into a stainless steel pouch of constant temperature rapid
extraction instrument. Put into the closed extraction chamber. Add 200 mL of
water. When the temperature is constant at (100±1) °C, start timing. The
sampling time is 1 h, 3 h, 5 h, 7 h, 10 h, 24 h, a...
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