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GB/T 6097-2023: Sampling method for testing of cotton fibers
GB/T 6097-2023
ICS 59.060.10
CCS W 10
Replacing GB/T 6097-2012
Sampling Method for Testing of Cotton Fibers
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 5
2 Normative References ... 5
3 Terms and Definitions ... 5
4 Principle ... 6
5 Instruments and Tools ... 6
6 Sampling ... 7
Sampling Method for Testing of Cotton Fibers
1 Scope
This document describes the methods for the extraction and preparation of lot samples,
laboratory samples, test samples and test specimens for the testing of cotton fibers.
This document is applicable to the sampling for the testing of cotton fibers.
2 Normative References
The contents of the following documents constitute indispensable clauses of this document
through the normative references in the text. In terms of references with a specified date, only
versions with a specified date are applicable to this document. In terms of references without a
specified date, the latest version (including all the modifications) is applicable to this document.
GB 1103.1 Cotton - Part 1: Saw Ginned Upland Cotton
GB 1103.2 Cotton - Part 2: Roller Ginned Upland Cotton
GB/T 1103.3 Cotton - Natural Color Uplands Cotton
GB/T 19635 Cotton - Sea Island Cotton
3 Terms and Definitions
The following terms and definitions are applicable to this document.
3.1 lot sample
In accordance with the stipulations, take one or more cotton samples from a batch of cotton as
the representative of the sampled batch of cotton.
3.2 laboratory sample
The cotton sample taken from the lot sample in accordance with the stipulations, which is used
as the representative of the lot sample.
3.3 test sample
The cotton sample taken from the laboratory sample in accordance with the stipulations, which
is used as the representative of the laboratory sample.
3.4 test specimen
6 Sampling
6.1 Principle of Sampling
Be representative.
6.2 Lot Sample
6.2.1 Sampling shall be carried out in accordance with GB 1103.1, GB 1103.2, GB/T 1103.3
and GB/T 19635.
6.2.2 Sampling of other types of bales of cotton fiber shall be carried out in accordance with
the corresponding product standards. If there is no such product standard, the quantity of
sampling bales shall be determined based on the batch size. For a batch size of 50 bales and
below, the quantity of sampling bales shall be no less than 15 (when the quantity of sampling
bales is less than the prescribed number, conduct sampling bale-by-bale); for a batch size of
above 50 bales and below 100 bales (including 100 bales), the quantity of sampling bales shall
be no less than 18; for a batch size of above 100 bales and below 200 bales (including 200
bales), the quantity of sampling bales shall be no less than 20; for a batch size of above 200
bales, for every additional 50 bales (less than 50 bales are counted as 50 bales), the sampling
bale shall be increased by no less than 1 bale. The sampling quantity of each bale shall comply
with the corresponding standards in 6.2.1.
6.3 Laboratory Sample
6.3.1 Test by batch Sampling quantity Each portion of the laboratory sample is 200 g ~ 250 g. The number of portions of laboratory samples taken from bales of lint cotton
(including pre-baling inspection) shall be determined in accordance with the quantity of bales
sampled from the lot sample (i.e., the quantity of block samples). For 10 bales and below, take
no less than 1 portion; for 11 bales ~ 30 bales, take no less than 2 portions; for 31 bales ~ 50
bales, take no less than 3 portions; for above 50 portions, take no less than 4 portions. Sampling method In accordance with the number of portions of laboratory samples that shall be taken
from each batch of cotton, evenly divide the extracted lot samples into corresponding portion
groups based on the quantity of cotton samples. In each portion group, randomly take at least 100 clusters from multiple parts of each
constituent cotton sample. The number of clusters selected from each cotton sample shall be
consistent, with each cluster being 2.0 g ~ 2.5 g, forming a laboratory sample. When the lot sample contains samples cut from cotton bales, the cut fibers shall not
be extracted.
6.3.2 Test by sample Sampling quantity The quantity of cotton samples taken from different cotton bales of the same batch of
cotton is the number of portions of laboratory samples of that batch of cotton. Each cotton
sample is the corresponding laboratory sample, and its mass is the mass of the corresponding
laboratory sample. All samples taken from different cotton bales of the same batch of cotton have been
combined into one lot sample, which is the laboratory sample of that batch of cotton, and the
mass of the lot sample is the mass of the corresponding laboratory sample. Sampling method
The laboratory sample is naturally formed from the corresponding cotton samples in
or the lot samples in When it contains samples cut from cotton bales, the cut fibers
shall be removed. The methods of removal include directly pulling out and discarding or
avoiding during the subsequent sampling of test samples and test specimens.
6.3.3 Scientific test and other special demands
In accordance with the purpose and requirements of the test, and considering the characteristics
of the representative samples, determine the sampling quantity and method.
6.4 Test Sample
6.4.1 Sampling quantity In accordance with the stipulations on the quantity and mass of test samples in the test
standards of the inspection items, conduct sampling. From the laboratory sample, evenly extract about 7 g and use the fiber mixer to prepare
the test sample. From the laboratory sample, evenly extract 2.0 g ~ 2.5 g and use the fiber extender to
prepare the test sample (test sliver).
6.4.2 Sampling method Slightly tear the obtained laboratory sample and evenly mix it, lay it flat on the
workbench to prepare a cotton layer with a uniform thickness and an area of about 0.25 m2.
From 16 roughly evenly distributed parts on the upper and lower sides, respectively and
randomly take test samples for the inspection of each item.
In accordance with the stipulations on the quantity and mass of test specimens in the test
standards of the inspection items, conduct sampling.
6.5.2 Sampling methods Direct adoption method: directly use the entire laboratory sample as the test specimen
sample. Quarter sampling method: evenly mix the laboratory sample and spread it into a square,
then, divide it into four equal parts with cross lines, take two diagonal parts and discard the
other two parts. Repeat the above-mentioned steps, until the required test specimen sample is
obtained. Multi-point sampling method: adopt the method of or to directly obtain
the required test specimen sample from the laboratory sample. Automatic sampling method: utilize an automatic sampling device to directly obtain the
required test specimen sample from the evenly mixed laboratory sample or test sample. Horizontal flattening sampling method: use both hands to hol...
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Historical versions: GB/T 6097-2023
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GB/T 6097-2023: Sampling method for testing of cotton fibers
GB/T 6097-2023
ICS 59.060.10
CCS W 10
Replacing GB/T 6097-2012
Sampling Method for Testing of Cotton Fibers
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 5
2 Normative References ... 5
3 Terms and Definitions ... 5
4 Principle ... 6
5 Instruments and Tools ... 6
6 Sampling ... 7
Sampling Method for Testing of Cotton Fibers
1 Scope
This document describes the methods for the extraction and preparation of lot samples,
laboratory samples, test samples and test specimens for the testing of cotton fibers.
This document is applicable to the sampling for the testing of cotton fibers.
2 Normative References
The contents of the following documents constitute indispensable clauses of this document
through the normative references in the text. In terms of references with a specified date, only
versions with a specified date are applicable to this document. In terms of references without a
specified date, the latest version (including all the modifications) is applicable to this document.
GB 1103.1 Cotton - Part 1: Saw Ginned Upland Cotton
GB 1103.2 Cotton - Part 2: Roller Ginned Upland Cotton
GB/T 1103.3 Cotton - Natural Color Uplands Cotton
GB/T 19635 Cotton - Sea Island Cotton
3 Terms and Definitions
The following terms and definitions are applicable to this document.
3.1 lot sample
In accordance with the stipulations, take one or more cotton samples from a batch of cotton as
the representative of the sampled batch of cotton.
3.2 laboratory sample
The cotton sample taken from the lot sample in accordance with the stipulations, which is used
as the representative of the lot sample.
3.3 test sample
The cotton sample taken from the laboratory sample in accordance with the stipulations, which
is used as the representative of the laboratory sample.
3.4 test specimen
6 Sampling
6.1 Principle of Sampling
Be representative.
6.2 Lot Sample
6.2.1 Sampling shall be carried out in accordance with GB 1103.1, GB 1103.2, GB/T 1103.3
and GB/T 19635.
6.2.2 Sampling of other types of bales of cotton fiber shall be carried out in accordance with
the corresponding product standards. If there is no such product standard, the quantity of
sampling bales shall be determined based on the batch size. For a batch size of 50 bales and
below, the quantity of sampling bales shall be no less than 15 (when the quantity of sampling
bales is less than the prescribed number, conduct sampling bale-by-bale); for a batch size of
above 50 bales and below 100 bales (including 100 bales), the quantity of sampling bales shall
be no less than 18; for a batch size of above 100 bales and below 200 bales (including 200
bales), the quantity of sampling bales shall be no less than 20; for a batch size of above 200
bales, for every additional 50 bales (less than 50 bales are counted as 50 bales), the sampling
bale shall be increased by no less than 1 bale. The sampling quantity of each bale shall comply
with the corresponding standards in 6.2.1.
6.3 Laboratory Sample
6.3.1 Test by batch Sampling quantity Each portion of the laboratory sample is 200 g ~ 250 g. The number of portions of laboratory samples taken from bales of lint cotton
(including pre-baling inspection) shall be determined in accordance with the quantity of bales
sampled from the lot sample (i.e., the quantity of block samples). For 10 bales and below, take
no less than 1 portion; for 11 bales ~ 30 bales, take no less than 2 portions; for 31 bales ~ 50
bales, take no less than 3 portions; for above 50 portions, take no less than 4 portions. Sampling method In accordance with the number of portions of laboratory samples that shall be taken
from each batch of cotton, evenly divide the extracted lot samples into corresponding portion
groups based on the quantity of cotton samples. In each portion group, randomly take at least 100 clusters from multiple parts of each
constituent cotton sample. The number of clusters selected from each cotton sample shall be
consistent, with each cluster being 2.0 g ~ 2.5 g, forming a laboratory sample. When the lot sample contains samples cut from cotton bales, the cut fibers shall not
be extracted.
6.3.2 Test by sample Sampling quantity The quantity of cotton samples taken from different cotton bales of the same batch of
cotton is the number of portions of laboratory samples of that batch of cotton. Each cotton
sample is the corresponding laboratory sample, and its mass is the mass of the corresponding
laboratory sample. All samples taken from different cotton bales of the same batch of cotton have been
combined into one lot sample, which is the laboratory sample of that batch of cotton, and the
mass of the lot sample is the mass of the corresponding laboratory sample. Sampling method
The laboratory sample is naturally formed from the corresponding cotton samples in
or the lot samples in When it contains samples cut from cotton bales, the cut fibers
shall be removed. The methods of removal include directly pulling out and discarding or
avoiding during the subsequent sampling of test samples and test specimens.
6.3.3 Scientific test and other special demands
In accordance with the purpose and requirements of the test, and considering the characteristics
of the representative samples, determine the sampling quantity and method.
6.4 Test Sample
6.4.1 Sampling quantity In accordance with the stipulations on the quantity and mass of test samples in the test
standards of the inspection items, conduct sampling. From the laboratory sample, evenly extract about 7 g and use the fiber mixer to prepare
the test sample. From the laboratory sample, evenly extract 2.0 g ~ 2.5 g and use the fiber extender to
prepare the test sample (test sliver).
6.4.2 Sampling method Slightly tear the obtained laboratory sample and evenly mix it, lay it flat on the
workbench to prepare a cotton layer with a uniform thickness and an area of about 0.25 m2.
From 16 roughly evenly distributed parts on the upper and lower sides, respectively and
randomly take test samples for the inspection of each item.
In accordance with the stipulations on the quantity and mass of test specimens in the test
standards of the inspection items, conduct sampling.
6.5.2 Sampling methods Direct adoption method: directly use the entire laboratory sample as the test specimen
sample. Quarter sampling method: evenly mix the laboratory sample and spread it into a square,
then, divide it into four equal parts with cross lines, take two diagonal parts and discard the
other two parts. Repeat the above-mentioned steps, until the required test specimen sample is
obtained. Multi-point sampling method: adopt the method of or to directly obtain
the required test specimen sample from the laboratory sample. Automatic sampling method: utilize an automatic sampling device to directly obtain the
required test specimen sample from the evenly mixed laboratory sample or test sample. Horizontal flattening sampling method: use both hands to hol...