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GB/T 40617-2021: Guidelines for construction of safety ecological in electrical place
GB/T 40617-2021
ICS 29.020
CCS K 09
Guideline for construction of safety ecological in electrical
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of PRC.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
Introduction ... 4
1 Scope ... 5
2 Normative references ... 5
3 Terms and Definitions ... 6
4 General rules ... 6
4.1 Factors to be considered for the safety ecology in electrical places ... 6
4.2 Characteristics of the safety ecology in electrical places ... 7
4.3 Principles for the construction of safety ecology in electrical places... 7
5 Safety coordination of electrical equipment and systems ... 8
5.1 Classification of electrical equipment ... 8
5.2 Safety factors of electrical equipment and systems ... 9
5.3 Coordination of electrical equipment and systems ... 9
6 Safety coordination of the environment ... 10
6.1 Overview ... 10
6.2 Safety factors of climate environment ... 10
6.3 Safety factors of the operating environment ... 11
6.4 Coordination of the environment ... 11
6.5 Coordination of interfaces of electrical places ... 13
7 Safety coordination of personnel ... 13
8 The role of safety ecology in electrical places ... 13
8.1 Energy balance ... 13
8.2 Safety cycle ... 13
8.3 Information extraction ... 14
9 Management of the safety ecology in electrical places ... 14
9.1 Management goal ... 14
9.2 Management methods ... 15
Guideline for construction of safety ecological in electrical
1 Scope
This document provides guidelines for the construction of the safety ecology in
electrical places, including the general principles of the safety ecology in electrical
places; the safety coordination of the influencing factors (such as electrical equipment
and systems, the environment, and the personnel) of safety ecology in electrical places;
as well as the role and management of the safety ecology in electrical places.
This document applies to the safety ecology construction in electrical places where
electrical equipment and systems operate with an AC rated voltage of 1000 V and a DC
rated voltage of 1500 V and below.
2 Normative references
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For the dated
documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this document;
for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the amendments) is
applicable to this standard.
GB/T 4776-2017 Electrical safety terminology
GB/T 17045 Protection against electric shock -- Common aspects for installations
and equipment
GB 19517-2009 National safety technical code for electric equipment
GB/T 24612.1-2009 Requirements for electrical safety in the workplace -- Part 1:
General rules
GB/T 24612.2-2009 Requirements for electrical safety in the workplace -- Part 2:
Safety measure of operation on power off
GB/T 40431-2021 Guidelines for personal safety restraint in electrical operation
3 Terms and Definitions
The terms and definitions defined in GB/T 4776-2017, GB 19517-2009 and the
following apply to this document.
3.1 Electrical place
A closed and/or open place where the electrical equipment and systems operate and
only professionals or persons with electrical training can enter.
3.2 Safety ecological in electrical place
An electrical place where multiple electrical equipment and systems are installed (or
connected), the electrical equipment (systems), the environment, and personnel form a
unified whole, and within a certain period, its functions maintain safe and reliable as
expected in a dynamic balance state.
3.3 Interface of electrical place
A specific area in which two different types (for example, different functions or
different safety level requirements) of electrical places are adjacent.
4 General rules
4.1 Factors to be considered for the safety ecology in electrical places
4.1.1 The safety ecology in electrical places is affected by the following factors:
--- Safety of electrical equipment and systems; the content specified in GB 19517-
2009 is applicable to all electrical equipment and systems with the voltage range
of AC voltage 1000 V and below, as well as DC voltage 1500 V and below;
--- Environmental safety in electrical places;
--- Safety of personnel in electrical places;
--- Interaction between electrical equipment (systems), environment, and personnel.
4.1.2 The following should be considered for the safety ecology in electrical places:
--- The influencing factors in 4.1.1;
--- The functional objectives of the safety ecology, which are determined based on
the functions of electrical equipment and systems;
--- The electrical safety objectives of the safety ecology for ensuring personal and
5 Safety coordination of electrical equipment and systems
5.1 Classification of electrical equipment
Usually, electrical equipment is classified according to the measures of protection
against electric shock. According to the provisions of GB/T 17045, electrical equipment
can be divided into Class-0 electrical equipment, Class-I electrical equipment, Class-II
electrical equipment, and Class-III electrical equipment.
--- Class-0 electrical equipment: The basic insulation is used as the basic protective
measure, and there are no fault protection measures;
--- Class-I electrical equipment: The basic insulation is used as the basic protective
measure, and the protective bonding is used as a fault protection measure;
--- Class-II electrical equipment: The basic insulation is used as the basic protective
measure, and the supplementary insulation is used as a fault protection measure;
or reinforced insulation is adopted for basic protection and fault protection
--- Class III electrical equipment: The protection against electric shock depends on
the power supply of safety extra-low voltage (SELV), and the electrical
equipment does not generate a voltage that is higher than the extra-low voltage.
In addition, the requirements for safety levels will be different due to some differences,
such as the different use of the electrical equipment, whether the electrical equipment
is mobile or not, and the different operation methods of the electrical equipment; those
should be considered when building a safety ecology.
According to the use, electrical equipment can be divided into:
--- Production equipment;
--- Monitoring equipment;
--- Control equipment;
--- Protection equipment, etc.
According to whether it is mobile or not, electrical equipment can be divided into:
--- Fixed electrical equipment (also including stationary electrical equipment);
--- Mobile electrical equipment, which can include electrical equipment that moves
by autonomous power and handheld electrical equipment.
--- Dry tropics;
--- Plateau;
--- Rain (it should be considered for the outdoor electrical equipment and systems),
6.3 Safety factors of the operating environment
The safety factors of the operating environment shall be considered according to the
different classifications of electrical places.
The classification of electrical places may include:
--- Unattended and manned electrical places;
--- Enclosed electrical places and uncontrolled electrical places, which can be further
divided into accessible and inaccessible electrical plac...
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