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GB/T 38527-2020: Technologic rules for calibration gas mixtures
GB/T 38527-2020
ICS 71.100.20
G 86
Technologic rules for calibration gas mixtures
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of PRC.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative references ... 4
3 Terms and definitions ... 5
4 Basic requirements ... 5
5 Names ... 6
6 Preparation ... 6
7 Packaging, marking, storage, and use ... 10
Technologic rules for calibration gas mixtures
1 Scope
This standard specifies the basic requirements, name, preparation, packaging, marking,
storage, transportation, and general technical requirements of the calibration gas
This standard applies to calibration gas mixtures prepared by various methods.
2 Normative references
The following documents are essential for the application of this document. For the
dated referenced documents, only the versions with the indicated dates are applicable
to this document; for the undated referenced documents, only the latest version
(including all the amendments) is applicable to this document.
GB/T 5274.1 Gas analysis - Preparation of calibration gas mixtures - Part 1:
Gravimetric method for class I mixtures
GB/T 5275.2 Gas analysis - Preparation of calibration gas mixtures using dynamic
volumetric methods - Part 2: Volumetric pumps
GB/T 5275.4 Gas analysis - Preparation of calibration gas mixtures using dynamic
volumetric methods - Part 4: Continuous syringe injection method
GB/T 5275.5 Gas analysis - Preparation of calibration gas mixtures using dynamic
volumetric methods - Part 5: Capillary calibration devices
GB/T 5275.6 Gas analysis - Preparation of calibration gas mixtures using dynamic
volumetric methods - Part 6: Critical orifices
GB/T 5275.7 Gas analysis - Preparation of calibration gas mixtures using dynamic
volumetric methods - Part 7: Thermal mass-flow controllers
GB/T 5275.8 Gas analysis - Preparation of calibration gas mixtures using dynamic
volumetric methods - Part 8: Diffusion method
GB/T 5275.9 Gas analysis - Preparation of calibration gas mixtures using dynamic
volumetric methods - Part 9: Saturation method
GB/T 5275.10 Gas analysis - Preparation of calibration gas mixtures using dynamic
volumetric methods - Part 10: Permeation method
GB/T 5275.11 Gas analysis - Preparation of calibration gas mixtures using dynamic
volumetric methods - Part 11: Electrochemical generation
GB/T 7144 Coloured cylinder mark for gases
GB/T 10248 Gas analysis - Preparation of calibration gas mixtures - Static
volumetric methods
GB/T 14850 Gas analysis - Vocabulary
GB/T 34526 Rules for filling of gas mixture cylinder
GB/T 34710.1 Classification of the mixture gas - Part 1: Toxic classification
GB/T 34710.2 Classification of the mixture gas - Part 2: Corrosive classification
GB/T 34710.3 Classification of the mixture gas - Part 3: Flammable classification
GB/T 35860 Gas analysis - Contents of certificates for calibration gas mixtures
GB/T 37180 Gas analysis - Handling of calibration gases and gas mixtures -
GB/T 38521 Gas analysis - Purity analysis and the treatment of purity data
JJF 1186 Requirements of Reference Materials Certificates and Labels
TSG 23 Regulation on Safety Technology for Gas Cylinder
ISO/IEC Guide 98-3 Uncertainty of measurement - Part 3: Guide to the expression
of uncertainty in measurement (GUM:1995)
3 Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions defined by ISO/IEC Guide 98-3 and GB/T 14850 apply to
this document.
4 Basic requirements
4.1 Equipment requirements
4.1.1 Preparation equipment
The equipment for preparing bottled calibration gas mixtures shall meet the
The final pressure of the bottled calibration gas mixture at 20 °C shall not be higher
than the nominal working pressure of the target gas cylinder.
When preparing the calibration gas mixture, the flow shall be limited, static electricity
shall be prevented, and tail gas treatment measures shall be taken. Reaction and adsorption with system materials
Before preparing the gas mixture, the chemical reaction or adsorption that may occur
between the gas mixture components and the pipelines, valves, as well as packaging
containers for calibration gas mixtures shall be considered. Particular consideration
shall be given to the reaction of corrosive gases with metals and with the seals used.
Materials that are non-reactive with all components of the gas mixture shall be used to
prevent reactions from occurring. If it is not feasible, measures shall be taken to
minimize the corrosion of materials in contact with the gas, so as to avoid significant
changes and any danger in the composition of the gas mixture during storage and use.
According to the characteristics of the gas mixture, the appropriate gas cylinder and
cylinder valve shall be selected according to the provisions of GB/T 7144 and TSG 23.
6.1.2 Preparation method Selection of preparation methods
The preparation method shall be selected according to the characteristics of the
calibration gas mixture components, preparation purpose, and on-site preparation
conditions, such as the gravimetric method, static volumetric method, and dynamic
volumetric method. Selection of preparation procedures
When selecting a preparation procedure, the following factors shall be considered:
-- The target composition and uncertainty requirements of the calibration gas
-- Requirements for preparation deviations;
-- The target applicable temperature and pressure of the calibrated gas mixture;
-- The use occasion of the calibration gas mixture;
-- The reliability, safety, and ease of operation of the preparation procedure;
-- The degree of difficulty to achieve traceability;
-- Requirements for the environment and equipment of the preparation procedure;
-- Whether the raw materials are easy to obtain, and whether the composition and
quality can meet the requirements.
6.2 Implementation
6.2.1 Raw material purity analysis
When preparing the calibration gas mixture, the raw materials shall be analyzed for
purity in advance. The purity of raw gas can be analyzed according to GB/T 38521. The
content of significant impurities in raw materials can be reduced by selecting pure gas
or pure liquid with higher purity. The significant impurities that affect the uncertainty
of any component concentration of the calibration gas mixture by more than 10% shall
be accurately quantitatively analyzed, and the measurement results shall have
metrological traceability.
6.2.2 Preparation method implementation
When the gravimetric method is selected for preparation, it shall be implemented in
accordance with the provisions of GB/T 5274.1. When the static volumetric method is
selected for preparation, it shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of
GB/T 10248. When the dynamic volumetric method is selected for preparation, it shall
be implemented in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 5275.2, GB/T 5275.4, GB/T
5275.5, GB/T 5275.6, GB/T 5275.7, GB/T 5275.8, GB/T 5275.9, GB/T5275.10 and
6.2.3 Filling of gas cylinders for calibration gas mixtures
When the gas cylinder is used for the calibration gas mixture, the filling shall be carried
out in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 34526.
6.3 Evaluation of the homogeneity and stability...
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