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GB/T 38239-2019: Service specification for space science data products
GB/T 38239-2019
ICS 49.140
V 04
Service specification for space science data products
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3 
1 Scope ... 4 
2 Normative references ... 4 
3 Terms and definitions ... 4 
4 Division of responsibilities ... 5 
5 Data user classification and management ... 6 
6 Data product services ... 7 
Appendix A (Informative) Questionnaire for user satisfaction of service for space
science data products ... 10 
References ... 12 
Service specification for space science data products
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the science data product services that are acquired
from space science experiments/ explorations, and specifies contents such as
division of responsibilities, user classification and management, and data
product services.
This Standard applies to space science data product services that are acquired
from space science experiments/ explorations. Science data product services
in other fields can use it by reference.
2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document.
For dated references, only the dated version applies to this document. For
undated references, the latest edition (including all amendments) applies to this
GB/T 28874, Specification for level of data products for space science
3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions are applicable to this document.
3.1 Authorized administration
The administration that is authorized by national competent departments to
organize and manage data service activities, and to authorize the executive
administration to carry out data product management and service.
3.2 Executive administration
The administration that is authorized by the authorized administration (3.1) to
specifically take charge of data processing, management, maintenance and to
provide service.
3.3 Data user
The user of space science data products
3.4 Archived data products
a) Be entitled to use space science data products for research and
applications, and to make corresponding requirements for data product
quality and service quality;
b) Use data products according to the approved purposes; take effective
measures to protect the intellectual property rights of data products;
c) The data user shall transfer the space science data reprocessing products
to the executive administration in time;
d) When the research results of data products are published, mark the data
5 Data user classification and management
5.1 User classification
According to data user attributes and their data application purposes, data
users are divided into the following 5 categories:
a) Exclusive data user: the chief scientist or project leader, unit or
organization that has the exclusive right to use the data;
b) Public-welfare data user: individuals, units or organizations that use space
science data to develop scientific research or public-welfare applications;
c) Business data user: individuals, enterprises or institutions that use space
science data to develop business applications and provide value-added
d) International data user: foreign individuals, physical organizations or
institutions that acquire and use China's space science data to develop
scientific research and application, which is divided into international
cooperative data user and international business data user according to
data user attributes;
e) Public user: users other than those mentioned above.
5.2 Data user management
Different data user management processes are different, as follows:
a) Exclusive data users have the right to preferentially use data according to
the regulations of the authorized administration;
b) Public-welfare users and international cooperative data users need to
submit applications; the executive administration shall conduct user
2) Arrange experiments/ exploration plans for feasible requirements;
acquire, process and archive data;
3) Provide processed data products.
6.2.2 Emergency service
The emergency data service process is:
a) Acquire emergency data requirements; initiate a rapid response
b) Provide archived data products which are required for emergency;
preferentially provide online data;
c) Arrange emergency experiments/ exploration plans in time to achieve
programming data acquisition;
d) According to the development of the emergency, terminate emergency
data product services.
6.3 Service methods
6.3.1 Online services
Online data product services:
a) Publish standard data products and metadata, notification requirements,
tool software, etc.;
b) Data push service, user data exchange and submission, data sharing;
c) Implement data consultation and data services; online services provide
clear navigation, and provide data query, retrieval and download support;
d) Record online data product service statistics.
6.3.2 Offline services
Offline data product services:
a) Provide data product offline transmission services for data that should not
be directly disclosed on the Internet due to excessive quantities and
special requirements;
b) The forms of data transmission channels include special data user
authorization, CD-ROM mailing, direct copy of hard disk and other offline
service methods; the specific method is determined according to the
characteristics and type of data;

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