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GB/T 36975-2018: General requirements for footwear
GB/T 36975-2018
ICS 61.060
Y 78
General requirements for footwear
Issued by. State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of the PRC.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3 
1 Scope ... 4 
2 Normative references ... 4 
3 Terms and definitions ... 5 
4 Classification ... 5 
5 Requirements ... 5 
6 Test methods ... 9 
7 Qualification judgement ... 11 
8 Principle of inspection, marking, package, transportation, storage ... 11 
Appendix A (Normative) List of harmful aromatic amine dyes ... 12 
Appendix B (Normative) Test method of upper pull-off strength ... 13 
General requirements for footwear
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the terms and definitions, classification, requirements,
test methods, principle of inspection, marking, package, transportation, and
storage of footwear products.
This Standard applies to footwear products for general wear.
This Standard does not apply to safety, protective, professional, and
competitive sports footwear.
2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document.
For the dated references, only the editions with the dates indicated are
applicable to this document. For the undated references, the latest edition
(including all the amendments) are applicable to this document.
GB/T 251 Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Grey scale for assessing
GB/T 2703 Footwear - Vocabulary
GB/T 2912.1 Textiles - Determination of formaldehyde - Part 1. Free and
hydrolyzed formaldehyde (water extraction method)
GB/T 3293 Chinese last systems
GB/T 3903.1 Footwear - Test methods for whole shoe - Flexing resistance
GB/T 3903.2 Footwear - General test methods - Abrasion Resistance
GB/T 3903.3 Footwear - General test methods - Peeling strength
GB/T 3903.5 Footwear - General test methods - Appearance quality
GB/T 11413 Test Methods for Bond Strength of Leather Shoes Heels
GB/T 17592 Textiles - Determination of the banned azo colourants
GB/T 19941 Leather and fur - Chemical tests - Determination of
formaldehyde content
5.1.1 The size of the last shall meet the requirements of GB/T 3293. Footwear
products expressly in conformity with GB/T 3293 are deemed to comply with
the provisions of this clause.
Note. The enterprise shall, according to its own situation, apply GB/T 3293 reasonably. If
it does not comply, it cannot be expressly stated that this Standard is met.
5.1.2 The marking shall comply with the requirements of QB/T 2673.
5.1.3 Children’s shoes and infants’ shoes shall comply with the requirements of
GB 30585.
5.1.4 Footwear shall not present defects which affect wearing.
5.2 Appearance quality
The whole shoe shall be straight, flat, and clean. The nail points shall not be
exposed in the shoes. No nail tails shall be protruded. Insocks shall be fitted.
Seam allowance shall be neat and firm.
5.3 Physical and mechanical performance requirements
5.3.1 General
Infants’ shoes do not require physical and mechanical performances.
5.3.2 Upper sole peeling strength Non-adhesive (such as sewing, seaming, etc.) shoes do not require the
peeling strength of upper sole. The upper sole peeling strength of slippers shall not be less than 25
N/cm. The upper sole peeling strength of other shoes shall not be less than 40
N/cm. If the material is torn and the adhesive layer does not break, the peeling
strength shall not be less than 30 N/cm.
5.3.3 Upper pull-off strength Shoes which are not suitable for the testing of peeling strength (such as
shoes with a thickness of more than 25 mm on the sole test position) are tested
for upper pull-off strength instead. Shoes with processes such as sewing, seaming, or riveting shall be
tested for upper band pull-off strength. If the width of the upper band is larger
than the clamp width (25 mm), and it is not suitable for cutting the sample, the
5.3.7 Color fastness to rubbing of linings and insocks
The wet rubbing staining grade of suede material shall not be less than Grade
2. The wet rubbing staining grade of fur and artificial wool shall not be less than
Grade 3. The wet rubbing staining grade of other materials shall not be less
than Grade 2-3.
5.3.8 Heel bond strength
An assembled heel with a heel height greater than 30 mm shall be tested for
the heel bond strength. It shall not be less than 700 N.
5.3.9 Shank Women’s shoes and children’s shoes with a heel height greater than
20.0 mm and a heel mouth greater than 8.0 mm, and men’s shoes with a heel
height greater than 25.0 mm and a heel mouth greater than 10.0 mm shall be
fitted with shanks and other rigid support materials. The length lower limit, longitudinal rigidity, hardness, and bending
performance of shanks shall meet the requirements of GB/T 28011. Shoes with an injection molding insole are not tested for shanks. The
longitudinal rigidity of the insole shall meet the requirements of QB/T 4862.
5.3.10 Uppers material low-temperature flexing resistance
The uppers material low-temperature flexing resistance of the shoes worn in
low temperature environment (such as winter shoes, etc.) shall meet the
requirements of QB/T 2224.
5.3.11 Sole flexing resistance at low-temperature
The sole flexing resistance at low-temperature of the shoes worn in low
temperature environment (such as winter shoes, etc.) shall meet the
requirements of QB/T 4886.
5.4 Limited material requirements
5.4.1 Content of decomposable harmful aromatic amine dyes
The content of decomposable harmful aromatic amine dyes shall meet the
requirements of Table 1. See Appendix A for a list of harmful aromatic amine
dyes which shall not be decomposed from the dye under reducing conditions.
6.6 Outsole and outer insole adhesion
It shall be inspected according to GB/T 21396. The number of samples is 1 pair.
1 sample is taken from each sole. The test result takes the low value of the test
results of 2 shoes.
6.7 Color fastness to rubbing of linings and insocks
According to Method A of QB/T 2882-2007, wet rubbing is carried out 50 times
for inspection. The fur or artificial wool shall be inspected according to QB/T
2790. The grey scale shall meet the requirements of GB/T 251. TAKE the same
material from linings and insocks as the sample. If there is no lining, the contact
surface of the upper and the foot is taken as a sample for inspection. If the
sample area does not meet the sampling requirements, the same batch of
materials may be used for inspection.
6.8 Heel bond strength
The heel bond strength shall be inspected according to GB/T 11413.
6.9 Shank
The shank shall be inspected according to the method specified in GB/T 28011.
6.10 Uppers material low-temperature flexing resistance
The materials in the same batch as the uppers shall be inspected according to
QB/T 2224.
6.11 Sole flexing resistance at low-temperature
Sole flexing resistance at low-temperature shall be inspected according to QB/T
6.12 Content of decomposable harmful aromatic amine dyes
6.12.1 Different materials shall be tested separately. If the upper and the lining
cannot be separated, they shall be tested together; and the test method shall
be the same as that for the lining.
6.12.2 Textiles shall ...
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