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GB/T 34889-2017: Carburizing or carbonitriding, quenching and tempering of steel parts
GB/T 34889-2017
ICS 25.200
J 36
Carburizing or carbonitriding,
quenching and tempering of steel parts
Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Quarantine of the People's Republic of China;
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative references ... 4
3 Terms and definitions ... 6
4 Process classification and code ... 6
5 Workpiece to be processed ... 7
6 Carburizing or carbonitriding, quenching and tempering equipment ... 9
7 Carburizing or carbonitriding, quenching and tempering process and
operating procedures ... 12
8 Quality inspection ... 15
9 Acceptance ... 17
10 Safety and health and labor protection requirements ... 17
11 Energy consumption and environmental protection requirements ... 17
12 Product report ... 17
Carburizing or carbonitriding,
quenching and tempering of steel parts
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the technical requirements and methods for carburizing
or carbonitriding, quenching and tempering of steel parts.
This Standard is applicable to carburizing or carbonitriding, quenching and
tempering of steel parts, and is not applicable to iron castings and powder
metallurgy parts.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of
this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any
amendments) applies.
GB/T 224 Determination of depth of decarburization of steels
GB/T 230.1 Metallic materials - Rockwell hardness test - Part 1. Test method
(scales A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, K, N, T)
GB/T 699 Quality carbon structure steels
GB/T 700 Carbon structural steels
GB/T 1182 Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) - Geometrical
tolerancing - Tolerances of form, orientation, location and run-out
GB/T 3077 Alloy structure steels
GB/T 4340.1 Metallic materials - Vickers hardness test - Part 1. Test method
GB/T 4341.1 Metallic materials - Shore hardness test - Part 1. Test method
GB/T 5216 Structural steel with specified hardenability bands
GB/T 6394 Determination of estimating the average grain size of metal
GB/T 7232 Terminology of metal heat treatment
GB/T 8121 The terminology of technological materials of heat treatment
GB/T 9450 Steels - Determination and verification of the depth of carburized
and hardened cases
GB/T 9452 Testing method for working zone of heat treatment furnace
GB/T 10201 Regulations of proper usage of electricity in heat treatment
GB/T 12603 Classifications and designations for metal heat treatment
GB/T 13324 Terminology of heat treatment equipment
GB 15735 Requirements for the safety and health in production process of
metal heat treatment
GB/T 15822.1 Non-destructive testing - Magnetic particle testing - Part 1.
General principles
GB/T 16923 Normalizing and annealing of steel parts
GB/T 16924 Quenching and tempering of steel parts
GB/T 17358 Power consumption, measurement, and testing in heat treating
GB/Z 18718 Energy saving directives for heat treatment
GB/T 18851.1 Non-destructive testing - Penetrant testing - Part 1. General
GB/T 19944 Fuel consumption calculation and measurement method in heat
treating production
GB/T 21736 Technical specifications of energy-saving combustion devices
for heat treating
GB/T 22561 Vacuum heat treatment
GB/T 25744 Metallographic examination for carburizing quenching and
tempering of steel parts
GB/T 27945.1 The management of hazardous solid wastes from heat
treatment salt - Part 1. General management
GB/T 27945.2 The management of hazardous solid wastes from heat
treatment salts - Part 2. Test method of extractives
GB/T 27945.3 The management of hazardous solid wastes from heat
treatment salts - Part 3. Method of innocent treatment
GB/T 30822 Environmental protection technical requirements for heat
treatment industry
GB/T 30825 Pyrometry for heat treatment
GB/T 32541 Quality control system for heat treatment
JB/T 6050 Generalization of hardness test for heat treated iron and steel
JB/T 7530 General technical requirements for argon, nitrogen and hydrogen
gases used in heat treatment
JB/T 9209 Technical requirement of medium for thermo-chemical treatment
JB/T 9218 Non-destructive testing - Test method for penetrant testing
JB/T 10312 Steel-foil method for determination of carbon-potential of
carburizing atmospheres
JB/T 11078 Vacuum carburizing and post-quenching of steel part
JB/T 11809 Technical requirement of heat treatment for vacuum low pressure
carburizing furnace
SH/T 0553 Industrial propane, butane
3 Terms and definitions
For the purpose of this document, the terms and conditions defined in GB/T
7232, GB/T 8121, GB/T 13324, GB/T 9452, GB/T 16923, GB/T 32541 and the
following apply.
4 Process classification and code
The process classification and code of carburizing and carbonitriding of steel
parts are in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 12603, and the specific
classification and code are shown in Table 1.
material gas is required to be stable, the gas atmosphere and carbon potential
shall be adjustable, and harmful impurities shall be less; the agent inlet shall be
not easily blocked. When the hot cracking gas of the organic liquid is used as
the raw material gas, it shall have less harmful impurities, be easy to crack, and
have good fluidity; the agent shall meet the requirements of JB/T 9209 and
SH/T 0553.
6.1.3 The vacuum carburizing equipment and vacuum carbonitriding equipment
shall meet the technical requirements specified in GB/T 22561 and JB/T 11809.
6.1.4 The ion carburizing equipment and ion carbonitriding equipment shall be
equipped with overheat protection device and arc discharge protection device,
which can adjust the vacuum degree and atmosphere to suit the processing
needs and can maintain stable glow discharge. To adjust the proportion of gas,
a gas flow meter shall be equipped.
6.1.5 The salt bath liquid carburizing or carbonitriding equipment shall not
cause corrosion or other harmful effects on the workpiece and the environment.
The salt attached to the workpiece shall be able to be removed. The salt bath
is required to have a small viscosity and evaporation amount within the
operating temperature range. The management and treatment of the salt bath
solid waste shall meet the requirements of GB/T 30822 and GB/T 27945.1,
GB/T 27945.2 and GB/T 27945.3.
6.1.6 The running speed of the workpiece in the continuous carburizing or
carbonitriding equipment shall be adjustable, so that the heating, holding and
cooling temperature and the holding time in each area shall meet the
requirements of the process.
6.2 Quenching heating equipment
6.2.1 According to the workpiece type and process requirements, reasonably
select the quenching heating equipment, which shall meet the relevant
requirements of GB/T 32541. The effective heating zone shall be measured
according to the method of GB/T 9452, and the temperature uniformity shall be
controlled within ±10 °C.
6.2.2 The composition of the furnace gas of the controllable atmosphere
quenching heating equipment shall meet...
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