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GB/T 32886-2016: Guidelines for recoverable material selection of electrical and electronic products
GB/T 32886-2016
ICS 13.020
Z 05
Guidelines for recoverable material selection of
electrical and electronic products
Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Standardization Administration of PRC.
Table of contents
Foreword ... 3 
1 Scope ... 4 
2 Normative references ... 4 
3 Terms and definitions ... 4 
4 General procedure of material selection ... 7 
5 Basic requirements of recoverable materials selection ... 9 
6 Recoverable material selection method ... 9 
Appendix A (Informative) Thermoplastics compatibility list ... 1 
Appendix B (Informative) Recycling rate and recovery rate of common materials
used for electrical and electronic products ... 1 
Appendix C (Informative) Thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics commonly
used in electronic and electrical products ... 4 
References ... 6 
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This standard was proposed by AND shall be under the jurisdiction of the
National Standardization Technical Committee for Environmental
Standardization (SAC/TC 297) for Electrical and Electronic Products and
The drafting organizations of this standard. Shenzhen Institute of Measurement
Quality Testing, China Quality Certification Center, Huawei Technologies Co.,
Ltd., Lenovo (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
The main drafters of this standard. Yao Tingting, Ke Dengming, Luo Mingfei,
Chen Huan, Ye Wei, Fu Mijin, Zhu Yongguang, Gong Xun, Zong Jianfang and
Chen Zeyong.
Guidelines for recoverable material selection of
electrical and electronic products
1 Scope
This standard specifies the terms and definitions, general procedures, basic
requirements and options for recoverable material selection of electrical and
electronic products.
This standard applies to material selection of electrical and electronic products
(including packaging materials, AND other types of product may also refer to it.
2 Normative references
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For
the dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable
to this document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including
all the amendments) are applicable to this Standard.
GB/T 16288-2008 Marking of plastic products
GB/T 23384-2009 The recovery marking of products and components
GB/T 29769-2013 Waste electrical and electronic products recovery -
3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions as defined in GB/T 29769-2013 apply to this
document. For ease of use, some terms and definitions in GB/T 29769-2013
are repeated listed as below.
Electrical and electronic products
It refers to the products that need to rely on current or electromagnetic fields
to work properly AND designed for use in equipment that generates,
transmits and measures such currents and electromagnetic fields as AC
voltages not exceeding 1000 V and DC voltages not exceeding 1500 V.
It refers to the percentage of the sum of the mass of the reusable part and
the recyclable part of the waste electrical and electronic product (excluding
the energy recovery part) to the total mass of the waste electrical and
electronic product.
[GB/T 29769-2013, definition 3.27]
Biodegradable plastics
It refers to, under certain conditions, the materials which is degraded due to
the microbes present in the natural world AND finally completely degraded
into carbon dioxide (CO2) or/and methane (CH4), water (H2O) and the
mineralized inorganic salt of its contained elements, and new biomass.
4 General procedure of material selection
In general, the material selection procedure is divided into five steps, as shown
in Figure 1.
- The principle of environment. conducive to the recycling of resources, AND
environmental impact as small as possible;
- The principle of economy. to ensure a reasonable total cost of the product.
5 Basic requirements of recoverable materials
The selection of the recoverable materials from electrical and electronic
products shall comply with the following basic requirements.
- The material shall not affect the safety, performance, quality and other
requirements for the purposes of achieving high recovery rate;
- For component material selection, it shall give priority to the consideration
of the reusability of the components, secondly the recyclability of the
materials, and finally the energy recovery of the materials;
- At the manufacturing stage of the product, it shall, in accordance with the
requirements of GB/T 16288-2008 and GB/T 23384-2009, indicate the
material composition on the material surface, the component surface OR in
the product specification, in order to facilitate conducting recovery at the
end of the service life of the product.
6 Recoverable material selection method
6.1 Materials for electrical and electronic products
6.1.1 General
In addition to packaging materials, the principles of recoverable material
selection from the electrical and electronic products mainly include.
- SELECT as few material types as possible;
- SELECT materials of higher recovery rate;
- SELECT non-toxic harmless, low toxicity and low harmful materials.
6.1.2 Select as few material types as possible
The less material types used by complete machine, the more conducive to the
material recovery.
6.2.1 General
The packaging material is featured by large consumption and short service life,
so the material selection method is highly different from the material selection
of electrical and electronic products. The main packaging materials include
paper, plastic, and foaming materials, AND the principle of recoverable material
selection includes.
- SELECT as few material types as possible;
- USE recyclable materials;
- USE biodegradable plastics.
6.2.2 Select as few material types as possible
It shall minimize the types of the materials which form the product packaging,
AND the main methods include.
- The structure shall be as simple as possible;
- The material surface shall not be coated or plated as far as possible;
- The outer packaging printing color shall be as simple as possible.
6.2.3 Use recyclable materials
In the appropriate production process, the recycled material made from a
certain proportion of waste raw material has basically the same physical and
chemical properties as that of the original materials, which can satisfy the
performance requirements of the packaging. Therefore, the packaging material
shall be recycled materials as far as possible, including recycled metal, recycled
paper products, recycled plastics and recycled foaming materials.
Note. In general, the proportion of the waste paper materials in the recycled
paper to the total raw material can be over 90%; AND the proportion of the
waste plastic materials in the recycled plastics to the total raw material can be
over 30%
6.2.4 Use biodegradable plastics
Biodegradable plastics in nature can gradually generate carbon dioxide,
methane and water, so it can be directly used for composting without recycling
treatment. It may use the biodegradable plastics to replace petrochemical
plastics for the production of packaging, such as polylactic acid (PLA), starc...
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