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GB/T 3198-2020: Aluminium and aluminium alloy foils
GB/T 3198-2020
ICS 77.150.10
H 61
Replacing GB/T 3198-2010
Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Foils
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3 
1 Scope ... 6 
2 Normative References ... 6 
3 Requirements ... 7 
4 Test Methods ... 18 
5 Inspection Rules ... 21 
6 Marking, Packaging, Transportation and Storage ... 24 
7 Quality Certificate ... 25 
8 Order Form (or Contract) Content ... 26 
Appendix A (informative) DC Resistance of Designation-1145 and Designation-
1235 Aluminum Foils ... 28 
Appendix B (informative) Common Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Densities 29 
Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Foils
1 Scope
This Standard stipulates the requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking,
packaging, transportation, storage, quality certificate and order form (or contract)
content of aluminum and aluminum alloy foils.
This Standard is applicable to aluminum and aluminum alloy foils (hereinafter referred
to as aluminum foils).
2 Normative References
The following documents are indispensable to the application of this document. In
terms of references with a specified date, only versions with a specified date are
applicable to this document. In terms of references without a specified date, the latest
version (including all the modifications) is applicable to this document.
GB/T 454 Paper - Determination of Bursting Strength
GB/T 3190 Chemical Composition of Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys
GB/T 3199 Wrought Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Products - Packing, Marking,
Transporting and Storing
GB/T 7999 Optical Emission Spectrometric Analysis Method of Aluminum and
Aluminum Alloys
GB/T 8170 Rules of Rounding-off for Numerical Values and Expression and Judgement
of Limiting Values
GB/T 16865 Test Pieces for Tensile Test for Wrought Aluminum and Magnesium Alloy
GB/T 17432 Methods for Sampling for Analyzing the Chemical Composition of Wrought
Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys
GB/T 20975 (all parts) Methods for Chemical Analysis of Aluminum and Aluminum
GB/T 22638.1 Test Methods for Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Foils - Part 1:
Determination of Thickness
GB/T 22638.2 Test Methods for Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Foils - Part 2:
Determination of Pinhole
GB/T 22638.3 Test Methods for Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Foils - Part 3:
Determination of Stickiness
GB/T 22638.4 Test Methods for Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Foils - Part 4:
Determination of Surface Wetting Tension
GB/T 22638.5 Test Methods for Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Foils - Part 5:
Determination of Wettability by Brushing
GB/T 22638.6 Test Methods for Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Foils - Part 6:
Determination of Direct Current Resistance
GB/T 22638.7 Test Methods for Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Foils - Part 7:
Determination of Heat Seal Strength
3 Requirements
3.1 Product Classification
3.1.1 The designations, states and dimensions of aluminum foils are shown in Table 1.
When the demand-side demands other designations, states and dimensions, the
demand-side and the supply-side shall negotiate and determine them; indicate them
in the order form (or contract).
The stickiness of aluminum foils shall be inspected in accordance with the methods
stipulated in GB/T 22638.3. The arbitration inspection method shall comply with the
overall inspection method stipulated in GB/T 22638.3.
4.6 Surface Wetting Tension
The surface wetting tension of aluminum foils shall be determined in accordance with
the methods stipulated in GB/T 22638.4. The arbitration inspection method shall
comply with the wiping method stipulated in GB/T 22638.4.
4.7 Wettability
The wettability of aluminum foils shall be inspected in accordance with the methods
stipulated in GB/T 22638.5. The arbitration inspection method shall comply with the
wiping method stipulated in GB/T 22638.5.
4.8 DC Resistance
The DC resistance of aluminum foils shall be determined in accordance with the
methods stipulated in GB/T 22638.6. In terms of the DC resistance of aluminum foils,
the supply-side may adopt a blank (the surface of the sample shall be clean and free
of oil marks) with a specified thickness (generally, 0.25 mm ~ 0.36 mm) to test the DC
resistance as the test result of the aluminum foils.
4.9 Heat Seal Strength
The heat seal strength of aluminum foils shall be determined in accordance with the
methods stipulated in GB/T 22638.7.
4.10 Bursting Strength
The bursting strength of aluminum foils shall take the stipulations of GB/T 454 as a
4.11 Connector
In accordance with connector marking, calculate the number of connectors of each coil
of aluminum foils. In accordance with the interlayer wall thickness (measured with a
measuring instrument with corresponding accuracy) of adjacent connectors on the end
of the aluminum foil coil, convert the spacing of connectors.
4.12 Core
The dimensional deviation of core shall be measured by a measuring instrument that
can ensure corresponding accuracy. The texture of core shall be guaranteed by the
supply-side. The other items shall receive visual inspection.
4.13 Appearance Quality
The appearance quality of aluminum foils shall receive visual inspection. The test
method of online appearance quality inspection shall be negotiated and determined by
the demand-side and the supply-side; indicated in the order form (or contract).
5 Inspection Rules
5.1 Inspection and Acceptance Inspection
5.1.1 The products shall be inspected by the supply-side, which shall ensure that
product quality complies with the stipulations of this Standard and the order form (or
contract). In addition, a quality certificate shall be filled out.
5.1.2 The demand-side shall inspect the received products in accordance with the
stipulations of this Standard. When the inspection result fails to comply with the
stipulations of this Standard and the order form (or contract), it shall be submitted to
the supply-side in the written form and resolved through negotiation between the
demand-side and the supply-side. Objections pertaining to appearance quality and
dimensional deviations shall be submitted within one month since the date of receipt
of the products. Objections pertaining to other properties shall be submitted within
three months since the date of receipt of the products. If arbitration is required, an
organization approved by the demand-side and the supply-side may be entrusted;
sampling shall be jointly conducted on the demand-side.
5.2 Group Batch
Products shall be submitted for acceptance inspection in batches. Each batch shall be
constituted of products of the same designation, state and dimensions. The batch
weight is unlimited.
5.3 Weighting
Products shall be inspected and actually weighed (unless it is otherwise agreed by the
supply-side and the demand-side).
5.4 Inspection Items and Process Assurance Items
Exit-factory inspection items, periodic inspection items and process assurance items
shall comply with the stipulations in Table 12. The supply-side shall conduct periodic
inspection at least once a year.
disqualified. When the supply-side and the demand-side agree to allow the supply-side
to conduct per-coil inspection, the qualified ones shall be del...
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