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GB/T 28005-2011: Paper underpants
GB/T 28005-2011
ICS 85.080
Y 39
Paper underpants
Issued by: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3 
1 Scope ... 4 
2 Normative references ... 4 
3 Classification ... 4 
4 Requirements ... 4 
5 Test methods ... 5 
6 Inspection rules ... 6 
7 Marks, packaging, transportation, storage ... 8 
Annex A (normative) Determination of air permeability ... 9 
Paper underpants
1 Scope
This Standard specifies classification, requirements, test methods, inspection
rules and marks, packaging, transportation, and storage for paper underpants
(disposable underpants).
This Standard is application to paper underpants (disposable underpants)
made of thin non-woven fabric.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of
this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any
amendments) applies.
GB/T 1545-2008, Paper board and pulp - Determination of acidity or alkalinity
GB/T 2828.1, Sampling procedures for inspection by attributea - Part 1:
Sampling schemes indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot
GB/T 10739, Paper, board and pulps - STANDARD atmosphere for
conditioning and testing
GB/T 12914, Paper and board - Determination of tensile properties
GB 15979, Hygienic Standard for Disposable Sanitary Products
GB/T 17592, Textiles - Determination of the banned azo colorants
3 Classification
Paper underpants is divided into three types: small, medium, and large
according to size. Other types of paper underpants can also be produced
according to the order contract.
4 Requirements
4.1 Appearance quality requirements
The air permeability is determined in accordance with Annex A.
5.4 Determination of pH
The pH is determined according to the pH meter method in GB/T 1545-2008.
Use cold extraction. In the extraction process, the conical flask containing the
specimen needs to be oscillated on a shaker (the oscillation rate is 60 times/min
for reciprocating type, and 30 cycles/min for rotating type) for 1h.
5.5 Determination of color fastness
Take 2 pieces of paper underpants at random. Take part of the specimen from
each piece (not including elastic band). Take 1g of specimen in total. Cut the
specimen into small pieces. Put it in a 200mL beaker. Then pour 100mL of
normal saline with a temperature of 25°C±5°C (a solution prepared by adding
9g of NaCl to 1000mL of distilled water). Stir gently with a glass rod to fully soak
the specimen for 30min. Take two 50mL clean test tubes. Pour 50mL of soaking
solution into one of the test tubes. Pour 50mL of distilled water into another test
tube. Observe the color of the liquid in the two test tubes. If there is a color
difference, it is judged that the soaking liquid is dyed, otherwise, it is judged that
the soaking liquid is not dyed.
5.6 Determination of microbial indicators
The determination of microbial indicators is carried out in accordance with GB
5.7 Appearance quality inspection
The appearance quality is inspected visually.
5.8 Determination of decomposable aromatic amine dyes
Decomposable aromatic amine dyes are determined according to GB/T 17592.
The detection limit is 20mg/kg.
6 Inspection rules
6.1 Take one delivery as a batch. The unit of inspection sample is piece. Each
batch shall not exceed 500 pieces.
6.2 The manufacturer shall ensure that the paper underpants produced meets
the requirements of this Standard or the order contract. Each product shall be
accompanied by a certificate of conformity when it is delivered.
6.3 If the hygiene indicator of the paper underpants is unqualified, the batch is
judged to be unacceptable.
the purchaser is responsible for processing. If it does not meet the requirements
of this Standard or the order contract, the batch is deemed unacceptable, and
the supplier is responsible for processing.
7 Marks, packaging, transportation, storage
7.1 Product sales marks and packaging
7.1.1 The sales package of the product shall indicate the following:
a) Product name, executive standard number, trademark;
b) Name, address, and contact information of the manufacturer;
c) Product specifications and quantity;
d) Production date and shelf life or production batch number and expiration
e) Main production raw materials.
7.1.2 The sales packaging of the product shall be able to ensure that the
product is not contaminated. The various identification information on the sales
package shall be clear and not easy to fade. Each piece of paper underpants
is individually packaged.
7.2 Product transportation and storage
7.2.1 The finished product with sales packaging is placed in the packaging box.
The packaging box shall be marked with the product name, the name and
address of the company (or dealer), and the quantity inside. The shipping and
storage conditions shall be marked on the packing box.
7.2.2 Use clean tools with protective measures during transportation for the
products. Prevent heavy pressure, sharp objects collision, sun and rain.
7.2.3 The finished product shall be stored in a dry and ventilated room that is
not exposed to direct sunlight. Prevent rain and snow and the influence of
ground moisture. It shall not coexist with polluting or toxic chemicals.
Annex A
Determination of air permeability
A.1 Principle
Under the specified pressure difference condition, measure the air flow rate
vertically through a given area of the specimen within a certain period of time.
Calculate the air permeability. The air flow can be measured directly or
calculated by measuring the pressure difference between the two sides of the
flow aperture.
A.2 Instruments
A.2.1 Specimen round table: Circular vent with test area of 5cm2, 20cm2, 50cm2
or 100cm2. The test area error shall not exceed ±0.5%. Appropriate specimen
support nets shall be provided for vent holes with larger test areas.
A.2.2 Fixture: It shall be able to fix the specimen flatly and ensure that the edge
of the specimen does not leak.
A.2.3 Rubber gasket: To prevent air leakage, it is consistent with the fixture
A.2.4 Pressure meter or pressure gauge: Connected to the test box, it can
indicate that the pressure drop on both sides of the sample is 50Pa, 100Pa,
200Pa or 500Pa. The measurement accuracy is at least 2%.
A.2.5 Stable air suction device (fan): Can make the air with standard
temperature enter the specimen round table and can make the air flow through
the specimen produce a pressure drop of 50Pa~500Pa.
A.2.6 Flow meter, volume meter or measuring aperture: Can display the flow of
air flow, the unit is dm3/min (L/min). The measurement accuracy does not
exceed ±2%.
NOTE 1: As long as the flow meter and volume meter can meet the accuracy requirements
of ±2%, the measured air flow can also be expressed in cm3/s or other appropriate units.
NOTE 2: Use a differential pressure flow meter to check whether the difference between
the measured air permeability and the air permeability calibrated by the calibration plate is

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