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GB/T 25993-2010: Permeable paving bricks and permeable paving flags
GB/T 25993-2010
ICS 91.100.30
Q 14
Permeable paving bricks and permeable paving flags
Replaced by GB/T 25993-2023
Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China.
Table of Contents
Foreword... 3
1 Scope... 4
2 Normative references... 4
3 Terms and definitions... 5
4 Classification... 10
5 General provisions... 11
6 Technical requirements... 12
7 Test methods... 15
8 Inspection rules... 20
9 Product certification, stacking and transportation... 21
Appendix A (Normative) Test method for transverse strength of permeable paving flag
... 23
Appendix B (Normative) Test method for splitting tensile strength of permeable paving
bricks... 26
Appendix C (Normative) Permeability coefficient test method... 30
Permeable paving bricks and permeable paving flags
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the terms and definitions, formats, grades and markings, general
provisions, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules and product
certification, stacking and transportation of permeable paving bricks and permeable
paving flags.
This Standard applies to permeable paving bricks and permeable paving flags
(hereinafter referred to as permeable blocks) that meet the permeable requirements and
are laid in municipal sidewalks, garden landscape paths, non-heavy-loaded pavement
squares and other occasions.
The permeable blocks can be made of unreinforced cement concrete through vibration
pressurization or other molding processes; they can also be made of inorganic non-
metallic materials such as coal gangue, waste porcelain pieces, waste pottery pieces and
clay as the main raw materials through a sintering process.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this
document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references,
the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB 175, Common Portland Cements
GB/T 1596, Fly ash used for cement and concrete
GB/T 2015, White Portland cement
GB/T 4111, Test methods for the concrete block and brick
GB 6566, Limits of radionuclides in building materials
GB 8076, Concrete admixtures
GB/T 12988, Test method for abrasion resistance of inorganic paving materials
GB/T 14684, Sand for construction
GB/T 14685, Pebble and crushed stone for construction
4 Classification
4.1 Classification
4.1.1 According to the different raw materials, preparation processes and product
formats used in the production process of permeable blocks, they are divided into four
categories. permeable concrete paving bricks (code. PCB), permeable concrete paving
flag (code. PCF), permeable fired paving bricks (code. PFB) and permeable fired
paving flag (code. PFF).
4.1.2 According to the shape of the permeable paving bricks, they are divided into
interlocking permeable paving bricks (code. S) and ordinary permeable paving bricks
(code. N).
4.2 Strength grade
4.2.1 Permeable concrete paving bricks and permeable fired paving bricks are divided
into four grades according to their splitting tensile strength values. fts3.0, fts3.5, fts4.0
and fts4.5.
4.2.2 Permeable concrete paving flag and permeable fired paving flag are divided into
four grades according to their transverse strength values. Rf3.0, Rf3.5, Rf4.0 and Rf4.5.
4.3 Water permeability grade
According to the permeability coefficient of the permeable block, it is divided into
Grade A and Grade B.
4.4 Format
The format of permeable blocks are classified according to their work dimensions
(length, width, thickness) and shape.
4.5 Marking
Products are marked in the following order. by classification, water permeability grade,
format, strength grade and number of this Standard.
The rectangular interlocking permeable concrete paving brick of the format 200 mm ×
100 mm × 60 mm, splitting tensile strength fts3.5, and water permeability coefficient
Class A, is marked as.
PCB-A 200 mm × 100 mm × 60 mm rectangular Sfts3.5 GB/T 25993-2010
Note. In product marking, 2 ~ 3 letters or Arabic numerals are allowed to replace
Chinese characters used to express product geometry and surface appearance
7.3 Strength
7.3.1 The transverse strength test of permeable concrete paving flag and permeable fired
paving flag shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Appendix A.
7.3.2 The splitting tensile strength test of permeable concrete paving bricks and
permeable fired paving bricks shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of
Appendix B.
7.4 Permeability coefficient
The permeability coefficient test of permeable blocks shall be carried out in accordance
with the provisions of Appendix C.
7.5 Frost resistance
7.5.1 The number of permeable blocks is 10 in two groups. One group of 5 blocks is
first subjected to freeze-thaw cycle test according to GB/T 4111, but the samples are
soaked in water for 24 hours at the beginning and end of the test; the other group of 5
blocks is used for comparison. The environmental conditions for the placement of
permeable concrete paving bricks and permeable concrete paving flag samples are.
temperature (20±5) ℃, relative humidity (70±5) %.
7.5.2 After the freeze-thaw cycle, the upper face defect depth of the single sample shall
be detected according to 7.1.3, and then shall be subject to the transverse strength test
according to Appendix A and the splitting tensile strength test according to Appendix B
at the same time as the comparison samples.
7.5.3 The calculation of single block mass loss rate and strength loss rate of frost
resistance test results shall be carried out in accordance with GB/T 4111.
7.6 Abrasion resistance and slip resistance
7.6.1 The abrasion resistance test of permeable blocks shall be carried out in accordance
with the provisions of GB/T 12988.
7.6.2 The slip resistance test of permeable blocks shall be carried out in the laboratory
for a single test piece according to the “T0964-2008 Test method for determining the
friction coefficient of road surface using a pendulum apparatus” in the JTG E60-2008
-- Place the sample with the upper face to be tested facing upwards and use
cementitious materials to fix it to the floor of the laboratory; protect it from
direct sunlight and keep it away from “heat sources”; the time from the sample
entering the laboratory to the start of the test shall exceed 12 hours.
-- Adjust the lifting handle in “Figure T0964-1” of T0964-2008 in the JTG E60-
2008 standard so that the pendulum length meets the requirements;
-- Test three samples and take the average test value of the three samples.
-- When considering the temperature correction value, the room temperature
reading of the test chamber is taken as the temperature of the sample surface.
8 Inspection rules
8.1 Inspection classification
The inspection of permeable blocks is divided into factory inspection and type
8.1.1 Factory inspection items are. dimensional deviation, appearance quality, strength
grade, and permeability coefficient.
8.1.2 Type inspection Inspection items
All items in the requirements of Chapter 6. Except for products with chan...
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