GB/T 19981.2-2014 English PDF (GBT19981.2-2014)
GB/T 19981.2-2014 English PDF (GBT19981.2-2014)
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GB/T 19981.2-2014: Textiles -- Professional care, dry cleaning and wet cleaning of fabrics and garments -- Part 2: Procedure for testing performance when dry cleaning and finishing using tetrachloroethene
GB/T 19981.2-2014
ICS 59.080.30
W 04
Replacing GB/T 19981.2-2005
Textiles – Professional Care, Drycleaning and
Wetcleaning of Fabrics and Garments – Part 2. Procedure
for Testing Performance When Cleaning and Finishing
Using Tetrachloroethene
(ISO 3175-2.2010, MOD)
Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Quarantine of the People's Republic of China;
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
Introduction ... 5
1 Application Scope ... 6
2 Normative References ... 6
3 Terms and Definitions ... 6
4 Reagents ... 7
5 Apparatus ... 7
6 Conditioning ... 9
7 Test Specimens ... 9
8 Procedure ... 9
9 Test Report ... 12
Bibliography ... 13
GB/T 19981, Textiles – Professional Care, Drycleaning and Wetcleaning of Fabrics
and Garments, is divided into 4 parts.
-- Part 1. Assessment of Performance after Cleaning and Finishing;
-- Part 2. Procedure for Testing Performance When Cleaning and Finishing Using
-- Part 3. Procedure for Testing Performance When Cleaning and Finishing Using
Hydrocarbon Solvent;
-- Part 4. Procedure for Testing Performance When Cleaning and Finishing Using
Simulated Wetcleaning.
This Part is the 2nd part of GB/T 19981.
This Part was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This Part replaces GB/T 19981.2-2005, Textiles – Professional Care, Drycleaning and
Wetcleaning of Fabrics and Garments – Part 2. Procedure for Testing Performance
When Cleaning and Finishing Using Tetrachloroethene. Compared with GB/T 19981.2-
2005, the main changes of this Part are as follows.
-- it deletes the content of NOTE to Application Scope and incorporates it into
-- it modifies “regular material” to “normal material” in the text;
-- it deletes the explanation of sorbitan mono-oleate in 4.2;
-- it modifies “rotational frequency” to “drum speed” in 5.1;
-- it modifies “polyester thread” to “white polyester thread” in 7.3;
-- it modifies the minimum time of blow air, after drying, at ambient temperature,
through the rotating load in 8.1.7;
-- it modifies the vacuuming times for a light weight garment in 8.1.9;
-- it adds the extract time for an angora item in 8.2.
This Part was redrafted by modifying and adopting ISO 3175-2.2010, Textiles –
Professional Care, Drycleaning and Wetcleaning of Fabrics and Garments – Part 2.
Procedure for Testing Performance When Cleaning and Finishing Using
Tetrachloroethene (English version). Compared with ISO 3175-2.2010, the main
differences of this Part are as follows.
Drycleaning is a process for cleaning textiles in an organic solvent that dissolves oils
and fats and disperses particulate dirt substantially without the swelling and creasing
associated with washing or wet cleaning. Small quantities of water may be
incorporated in the solvent with the aid of a surfactant for the purpose of obtaining
better soil and stain removal. Some moisture-sensitive articles are preferably
drycleaned without the addition of water to the solvent. A surfactant is often used to
assist with soil removal and reduce the risk of greying, but it should be borne in mind
that surfactants contain varying amounts of water in their formulations.
Drycleaning is normally followed by an appropriate restorative finishing procedure. In
most cases, this comprises some form of steam treatment and/or hot pressing.
Properties of the textile or garment may change progressively on drycleaning and
steaming and/or pressing and in some cases a single treatment can give little indication
of the extent of dimensional and other changes that can arise after repeated treatments
and which can affect the useful life of the article. Generally, most of the potential
changes become apparent after 3 ~ 5 of the drycleaning and finishing treatments
specified in this part of GB/T 19981.
The properties which should be considered in an assessment for drycleanability
together with the methods for their assessment are given in GB/T 19981.1, Textiles –
Professional Care, Drycleaning and Wetcleaning of Fabrics and Garments - Part 1.
Assessment of Performance after Cleaning and Finishing.
Various solvents can be used for drycleaning, of which tetrachloroethene is the most
common in many countries. For this reason, this method prescribes the use of
Textiles – Professional Care, Drycleaning and
Wetcleaning of Fabrics and Garments – Part 2.
Procedure for Testing Performance When Cleaning
and Finishing Using Tetrachloroethene
1 Application Scope
This part of GB/T 19981 specifies drycleaning procedures for tetrachloroethene
(perchloroethylene), using commercial drycleaning machines, for fabrics and garments.
It comprises a procedure for normal materials and procedures for sensitive and very
sensitive materials.
2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this
document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references,
the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 6529, Textiles – Standard atmospheres for Conditioning and Testing (GB/T
6529-2008, ISO 139.2005, MOD)
GB/T 19981.1, Textiles – Professional Care, Drycleaning and Wetcleaning of
Fabrics and Garments - Part 1. Assessment of Performance after Cleaning and
Finishing (GB/T 19981.1-2014, ISO 3175-1.2010, MOD)
3 Terms and Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
garment, composite or fabric
composite test specimen
test specimen consisting of all component parts used in the finished item, and
combined in a representative assembly
process, the less effective is the drycleaning. Localized staining and stain removal are outside
the scope of this Part.
8.1 Procedure for normal materials
8.1.1 The mass of the complete load, measured to ±0.1 %, shall be calculated from
the cage volume, for normal materials in the proportion of (50 ± 2) kg/m3 and for
sensitive and very sensitive materials in the proportion of (33 ± 2) kg/m3. Unless the
mass of a single specimen (fabric, composite or garment) exceeds 10 % of the mass
of the load, the mass of the test specimen(s) shall not exceed 10 % of the mass of the
load. The remainder of the load shall consist of ballast.
8.1.2 Place the conditioned load in the machine and charge the machine with distilled
tetrachloroethene (see 4.1) and sorbitan mono-oleate solution (see 4.2), containing 1
g/l of sorbitan mono-oleate so that the liquor ratio, calculated from the volume of
solvent in the drum, is (5.5 ± 0.5) l/kg of the load.
Maintain the solvent at (30 ± 3)°C throughout the cleaning operation.
8.1.3 Prepare a fresh emulsion by mixing, per kilogram of load, 10 ml of sorbitan
mono-oleate with 30 ml of tetrachloroethene and then whilst stirring adding 20 ml of
water. This corresponds to 2 % of water calculated on the mass of the load.
If the mixing of the detergent with tetrachloroethene outside the machine is not
permitted, a mixture of the detergent and water may be added directly into the machine.
Precautions shall be taken to avoid uneven distribution of the individual comp...
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GB/T 19981.2-2014: Textiles -- Professional care, dry cleaning and wet cleaning of fabrics and garments -- Part 2: Procedure for testing performance when dry cleaning and finishing using tetrachloroethene
GB/T 19981.2-2014
ICS 59.080.30
W 04
Replacing GB/T 19981.2-2005
Textiles – Professional Care, Drycleaning and
Wetcleaning of Fabrics and Garments – Part 2. Procedure
for Testing Performance When Cleaning and Finishing
Using Tetrachloroethene
(ISO 3175-2.2010, MOD)
Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Quarantine of the People's Republic of China;
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
Introduction ... 5
1 Application Scope ... 6
2 Normative References ... 6
3 Terms and Definitions ... 6
4 Reagents ... 7
5 Apparatus ... 7
6 Conditioning ... 9
7 Test Specimens ... 9
8 Procedure ... 9
9 Test Report ... 12
Bibliography ... 13
GB/T 19981, Textiles – Professional Care, Drycleaning and Wetcleaning of Fabrics
and Garments, is divided into 4 parts.
-- Part 1. Assessment of Performance after Cleaning and Finishing;
-- Part 2. Procedure for Testing Performance When Cleaning and Finishing Using
-- Part 3. Procedure for Testing Performance When Cleaning and Finishing Using
Hydrocarbon Solvent;
-- Part 4. Procedure for Testing Performance When Cleaning and Finishing Using
Simulated Wetcleaning.
This Part is the 2nd part of GB/T 19981.
This Part was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This Part replaces GB/T 19981.2-2005, Textiles – Professional Care, Drycleaning and
Wetcleaning of Fabrics and Garments – Part 2. Procedure for Testing Performance
When Cleaning and Finishing Using Tetrachloroethene. Compared with GB/T 19981.2-
2005, the main changes of this Part are as follows.
-- it deletes the content of NOTE to Application Scope and incorporates it into
-- it modifies “regular material” to “normal material” in the text;
-- it deletes the explanation of sorbitan mono-oleate in 4.2;
-- it modifies “rotational frequency” to “drum speed” in 5.1;
-- it modifies “polyester thread” to “white polyester thread” in 7.3;
-- it modifies the minimum time of blow air, after drying, at ambient temperature,
through the rotating load in 8.1.7;
-- it modifies the vacuuming times for a light weight garment in 8.1.9;
-- it adds the extract time for an angora item in 8.2.
This Part was redrafted by modifying and adopting ISO 3175-2.2010, Textiles –
Professional Care, Drycleaning and Wetcleaning of Fabrics and Garments – Part 2.
Procedure for Testing Performance When Cleaning and Finishing Using
Tetrachloroethene (English version). Compared with ISO 3175-2.2010, the main
differences of this Part are as follows.
Drycleaning is a process for cleaning textiles in an organic solvent that dissolves oils
and fats and disperses particulate dirt substantially without the swelling and creasing
associated with washing or wet cleaning. Small quantities of water may be
incorporated in the solvent with the aid of a surfactant for the purpose of obtaining
better soil and stain removal. Some moisture-sensitive articles are preferably
drycleaned without the addition of water to the solvent. A surfactant is often used to
assist with soil removal and reduce the risk of greying, but it should be borne in mind
that surfactants contain varying amounts of water in their formulations.
Drycleaning is normally followed by an appropriate restorative finishing procedure. In
most cases, this comprises some form of steam treatment and/or hot pressing.
Properties of the textile or garment may change progressively on drycleaning and
steaming and/or pressing and in some cases a single treatment can give little indication
of the extent of dimensional and other changes that can arise after repeated treatments
and which can affect the useful life of the article. Generally, most of the potential
changes become apparent after 3 ~ 5 of the drycleaning and finishing treatments
specified in this part of GB/T 19981.
The properties which should be considered in an assessment for drycleanability
together with the methods for their assessment are given in GB/T 19981.1, Textiles –
Professional Care, Drycleaning and Wetcleaning of Fabrics and Garments - Part 1.
Assessment of Performance after Cleaning and Finishing.
Various solvents can be used for drycleaning, of which tetrachloroethene is the most
common in many countries. For this reason, this method prescribes the use of
Textiles – Professional Care, Drycleaning and
Wetcleaning of Fabrics and Garments – Part 2.
Procedure for Testing Performance When Cleaning
and Finishing Using Tetrachloroethene
1 Application Scope
This part of GB/T 19981 specifies drycleaning procedures for tetrachloroethene
(perchloroethylene), using commercial drycleaning machines, for fabrics and garments.
It comprises a procedure for normal materials and procedures for sensitive and very
sensitive materials.
2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this
document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references,
the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 6529, Textiles – Standard atmospheres for Conditioning and Testing (GB/T
6529-2008, ISO 139.2005, MOD)
GB/T 19981.1, Textiles – Professional Care, Drycleaning and Wetcleaning of
Fabrics and Garments - Part 1. Assessment of Performance after Cleaning and
Finishing (GB/T 19981.1-2014, ISO 3175-1.2010, MOD)
3 Terms and Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
garment, composite or fabric
composite test specimen
test specimen consisting of all component parts used in the finished item, and
combined in a representative assembly
process, the less effective is the drycleaning. Localized staining and stain removal are outside
the scope of this Part.
8.1 Procedure for normal materials
8.1.1 The mass of the complete load, measured to ±0.1 %, shall be calculated from
the cage volume, for normal materials in the proportion of (50 ± 2) kg/m3 and for
sensitive and very sensitive materials in the proportion of (33 ± 2) kg/m3. Unless the
mass of a single specimen (fabric, composite or garment) exceeds 10 % of the mass
of the load, the mass of the test specimen(s) shall not exceed 10 % of the mass of the
load. The remainder of the load shall consist of ballast.
8.1.2 Place the conditioned load in the machine and charge the machine with distilled
tetrachloroethene (see 4.1) and sorbitan mono-oleate solution (see 4.2), containing 1
g/l of sorbitan mono-oleate so that the liquor ratio, calculated from the volume of
solvent in the drum, is (5.5 ± 0.5) l/kg of the load.
Maintain the solvent at (30 ± 3)°C throughout the cleaning operation.
8.1.3 Prepare a fresh emulsion by mixing, per kilogram of load, 10 ml of sorbitan
mono-oleate with 30 ml of tetrachloroethene and then whilst stirring adding 20 ml of
water. This corresponds to 2 % of water calculated on the mass of the load.
If the mixing of the detergent with tetrachloroethene outside the machine is not
permitted, a mixture of the detergent and water may be added directly into the machine.
Precautions shall be taken to avoid uneven distribution of the individual comp...