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GB/T 19584-2010 English PDF (GBT19584-2010)

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GB/T 19584-2010: Specification on magnetic stripe data content and application for bank card
GB/T 195841-2010
ICS 35.240.15
A 11
Replacing GB/T 19584-2004
Specification on magnetic stripe data
content and application for bank card
Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China;
Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of
3. No action is required - Full-copy of this standard will be automatically and
immediately delivered to your EMAIL address in 0~60 minutes.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
Introduction .. 5
1 Scope .. 6
2 Normative references ... 6
3 Terms and definitions ... 6
4 Magnetic stripes ... 8
5 Track data content .. 8
5.1 Track 1 data content ... 8
5.2 Track 2 data content ... 9
5.3 Track 3 data content ... 9
6 Field descriptions ... 9
6.1 Start sentinel (STX) .. 9
6.2 Format code (FC) ... 10
6.3 Primary account number (PAN).. 10
6.4 Field separator (FS) .. 10
6.5 Name (NM) .. 10
6.6 Expiration date (ED) .. 10
6.7 Service code (SC) ... 11
6.8 Additional data .. 12
6.9 End sentinel (ETX) ... 12
6.10 Longitudinal redundancy check (LRC) ... 13
7 Specifications on use .. 13
Annex A (informative) Track 3 data content .. 14
Annex B (informative) Card verification code (CVN) algorithm .. 21
Annex C (informative) PIN verification code (PVN) algorithm ... 23
Bibliography ... 25
This Standard is revision of GB/T 19584-2004 “Specification on magnetic stripe data
content and application for bank card”.
Compared with GB/T 19584-2004, the main changes of this Standard are as follows.
a) REDRAFT the foreword and ADD the introduction;
b) REDEFINE the content of 3.1, 3.5, 3.8 and 6.3 according to the development of
technology and business;
c) MODIFY “When YYMM is 0000, it indicates no expiration date of this card” in 6.6
TO “4912 is written to YYMM when the card has no expiration date”;
d) MODIFY the inconsistent text;
e) REPLACE the example of algorithm in Annex B TO the CUP standard card;
f) ADD Annex C and REARRANGE the order of annexes;
g) ADD the bibliography.
This Standard replaces GB/T 19584-2004 “Magnetic stripe data content and
specification for bank card”.
Annex A to Annex C of this Standard are informative annexes.
This Standard is proposed by People's Bank of China.
This Standard is under the jurisdiction of China Financial Standardization Technical
Responsible drafting organizations of this Standard. People's Bank of China, China
Financial Computerization Corp.
Participating drafting organizations of this Standard. Industrial and Commercial Bank
of China, Agricultural Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Huaxia Bank, China
UnionPay Co., Ltd., Bank Card Testing Center, Credit Card Industry Development Co.,
Ltd. of China Banknote Printing and Minting.
Main drafters of this standard. Jiang Yunbing, Du Ning, Li Shuguang, Zhao Zhilan, Liu
Qibin, Ma Xiaoqiong, Zhang Yan, Liu Yun, Zhao Hongxin, Yuan Hongbin, Yuan
Guoneng, Cao Ying, Huang Faguo, Liu Zhigang, Wang Fei.
The historical edition of the standard replaced by this Standard is as follows.
This Standard is developed on the basis of GB/T 17552 “Identification cards - Financial
transaction cards”, with reference to the relevant standards such as GB/T 15694.1
“Identification cards - Identification of issuers - Part 1. Numbering system” and GB/T
15120.2 “Identification cards - Recording technique - Part 2. Magnetic stripe”.
This Standard refers to and complies with the provisions of GB/T 17552 “Identification
cards - Financial transaction cards”, describes the data content for track 1, track 2 and
track 3 of magnetic stripe cards in detail and specifies the application of each track of
bank cards in China.
Specification on magnetic stripe data
content and application for bank card
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the specification on magnetic stripe data content and
application for bank card.
This Standard applies to all kinds of bank cards issued and used in the People’s
Republic of China.
2 Normative references
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this Standard,
constitute provisions of this Standard. For dated reference, subsequent amendments
to (excluding corrections to), or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply.
However, the parties to agreements based on this Standard are encouraged to
investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards. For
undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies.
GB/T 2659 Codes for the representation of names of countries and regions (GB/T
2659-2000, eqv ISO 3166-1.1997)
GB/T 12406 Codes for the representation of currencies and funds (GB/T 12406-
2008, ISO 4217.2001, IDT)
GB/T 15120.2 Identification cards - Recording technique - Part 2. Magnetic stripe
(GB/T 15120.2-1994, idt ISO 7811-2.1985)
JR/T 0008 Bank identification number and card number for bank card
3 Terms and definitions
For the purpose of this Standard, the following terms and definitions apply.
bank card
A payment tool issued by financial institutions such as commercial banks to the
community, with all or part of the functions of consumer credit, settlement by transfer
of account, cash saving and withdrawal.
primary account number
A number used to identify the issuer and the card, which composed of the issuer
identification number, the issuer digit and the check digit. The primary account number
is equivalent to the card number in JR/T 0008.
issuer identification number
A number used to identify the issuer.
check digit
The last digit of primary account number. The digit is calculated based on all the digits
in front of the check digit, to check the correctness of primary account number.
first subsidiary account number
The first available subsidiary account identification in addition to the primary account
second subsidiary account number
The second available subsidiary account identification in addition to the primary
account number and the first available subsidiary account number.
personal identification number
6.2 Format code (FC)
Uses. To indicate the data format type of the track.
Format. 1 character for track 1; 2 digits for track 3.
Content. "B" for track 1; "99" for track 3.
6.3 Primary account number (PAN)
Uses. To indicate the cardholder and the issuer that can handle transactions.
Format. 13 ~ 19 digits.
Content. A card number equivalent to JR/T 0008.
6.4 Field separator (FS)
Uses. To indicate the end of the previous field.
Format. 1 character.
Content. "∧" for track 1; "=" for track 2 and track 3.
6.5 Name (NM)
Uses. To indicate surname, name, title, etc. of the cardholder.
Format. 2 ~ 26 characters.
Content. Composed of surname, surname separator, name or initial letter, separator
(if required), middle name or initial letter, ending dot (when followed by title), title. The
minimum encoded data shall be an alphabetic character (such as surname) plus the
surname separator.
6.6 Expiration date (ED)
Uses. To indicate the date when the card expires.
Format. 4 digits in YYMM format, where.
YY - the last 2 cha...
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