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GB/T 16936-2007 English PDF (GBT16936-2007)

GB/T 16936-2007 English PDF (GBT16936-2007)

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GB/T 16936-2007: Earth moving machinery -- Engine test code -- Net power
GB/T 16936–2007
ICS 53.100
P 97
Replacing GB/T 16936-1997
Earth-moving machinery –
Engine test code - Net power
(ISO 9249. 1997, MOD)
Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China;
Standardization Administration Committee of the People’s
Republic of China.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3 
1  Scope ... 5 
2  Normative references ... 5 
3  Terms and definitions ... 7 
4  Accuracy of measuring equipment and instruments ... 10 
5  Tests ... 10 
6  Correction factors ... 14 
7  Measurement and correction of smoke of compression-ignition engines 18 
8  Test report ... 19 
9  Declaration and verification of engine performance ... 32 
This standard modifies and adopts ISO 9249.1997 Earth-moving machinery – Engine test
code - Net power (English edition). It includes the technical corrigendum ISO 9249 Cor.
This standard is redrafted according to ISO 9249.1997.
The main technical differences between this standard and ISO 9249.1997 are as follows.
— Take our country's standards to replace the corresponding international standards
which are referenced in ISO 9249.1997.
— Renumber the footnotes from 1a), 1b), 2 ... to a), b), c)... in Table 1.
— Renumber the footnotes of full text. Add the number for the formulas of the full text.
— Add Table 4. The content in Table 8.4 is moved into Table 4, with the renumbering of
its footnotes. The previous Table 4 is changed to Table 5.
— The tolerance values which are expressed by a%, b%, c% and d% are changed to
the form of expression such as a, b, c and d (the a, b, c and d have been defined as
percentages as specified in
For ease of use, the following editorial modifications have been made in this standard.
— “The international standard’ is changed to ‘this standard’;
— The decimal point ‘, ’ is changed into decimal point ‘.’;
— The foreword of the international standard is deleted.
This standard is revision to GB/T 16936-1997 Earth-moving machinery - Engine test code
- Net power.
Compared with GB/T 16936-1997, the main changes of this standard are as follows.
— Contents such as intake pressure drop, absolute pressure of engine import, exhaust
back pressure are added in Clause 5.3;
— In Clause 5.3, the fuel oil temperature is stipulated according to the stipulation of
spark ignition engine and compression ignition engine;
— In detail specify the ‘measurement and correction of smoke of compression ignition
engine’ in Clause 7;
— Respectively specify the compression ignition engine and the spark ignition engine
in Clause 8;
— Add the stipulation of ‘9.3 tolerance’.
This standard replaces GB/T 16936-1997, from the implementation date.
This Standard was proposed by China Machinery Industry Federation.
This Standard shall be under the jurisdiction of China Machinery Industry Federation.
The drafting organization of this standard. Tianjin Engineering Machinery Research
The chief drafting staff of this standard. Yan Kun.
This standard replaces the following historical edition.
— GB/T 16936-1997.
Earth-moving machinery –
Engine test code - Net power
1  Scope 
This standard specifies a method for testing internal combustion engines intended for
propulsion of earth-moving machinery as defined in GB/T 8498.
This standard applies to evaluate the performance of earth-moving machinery’s engine. It
is used to introduce, at full load condition, the engine’s characteristic curve of power, fuel
consumption rate versus the rotation speed. These engines may be the natural aspirated
or pressure-charged, either using a mechanical pressure-charger or turbocharger.
This standard concerns internal combustion engines used in earth-moving machinery and
included in one of the following categories.
- reciprocating internal combustion engines (spark-ignition or compression-ignition)
but excluding free piston engines;
- rotary piston engines.
NOTE. This standard provides engine power correction factors in conformity with ISO 1585.1992.
2  Normative references 
The articles contained in the following documents have become part of this standard when
they are quoted herein. For the dated documents so quoted, all the modifications
(excluding corrections) or revisions made thereafter shall not be applicable to this
Standard. For the undated documents so quoted, the latest editions shall be applicable to
this standard.
GB/T 1883.1 Reciprocating internal combustion engines – Vocabulary – Part 1.
Terms for engine design and operation (GB/T 1883.1-2005, ISO 2710-1.2000, IDT)
GB/T 1883.2 Reciprocating internal combustion engines – Vocabulary – Part 2.
Terms for engine maintenance (GB/T 1883.2-2005, ISO 2710-2.1999, IDT)
GB/T 1884 Crude petroleum and liquid petroleum products - Laboratory
determination of density - Hydrometer method (GB/T 1884-2000, eqv ISO 3675.1998)
GB/T 6809.1 Reciprocating internal combustion engines - Vocabulary of components
and systems - Part 1. Structure and external covers (GB/T 6809.1-2003, ISO
7967-1.1987, IDT)
GB/T 6809.2 Reciprocating internal combustion engines - Vocabulary of components
and systems - Part 3. Valves, camshaft drive and actuating mechanisms (GB/T
6809.2-2006, ISO 7967-3. 1987, IDT)
GB/T 6809.3 Reciprocating internal combustion engines - Vocabulary of components
and systems - Part 3. Main running gear (GB/T 6809.3-2006, ISO 7967-2-1987/Amd.1.
1999, IDT)
GB/T 6809.4 Reciprocating internal combustion engines - Vocabulary of components
and systems - Part 4. Pressure charging and air/exhaust gas ducting systems (GB/T
6809.4-2007, ISO 7967-4.2005 IDT)
GB/T 6809.5 Reciprocating internal combustion engines - Vocabulary of components
and systems - Part 5. Cooling systems (GB/T 6809.5-1999, idt ISO 7967-5.1992)
GB/T 6809.8 Reciprocating internal combustion engines - Vocabulary of components
and systems - Part 8. Starting systems (GB/T 6809.8-2000, idt ISO 7967-8.1994)
GB/T 8498 Earth-moving machinery - Basic types - Vocabulary (GB/T 8498-1999,
eqv ISO 6165.1997)
ISO 1585. 1992 Road vehicles - Engine test code - Net power
ISO 3104. 1994 Petroleum products; Transparent and opaque liquids;
Determination of kinematic viscosity and calculation of dynamic viscosity
ISO 5163. 2005 Motor and aviation-type fuels - Determination of knock
characteristics - Motor method
ISO 5164. 2005 Motor fuels - Determination of knock characteristics - Research
ISO 5165. 1998 Diesel fuels - Determination of ignition quality - Cetane method
ISO 7876-1. 1990 Fuel injection equipment - Vocabulary - Part 1. Fuel injection
ISO 11614. 1999 Reciprocating internal combustion compression-ignition engines -
Apparatus for measurement of the opacity and for determination of the light absorption
coefficient of exhaust gas
ASTM D 240-87 Standard test method for heat of combustion of liquid hydrocarbon
fuels by bomb calorimeter
ASTM D 3338-88 Standard test method for estimation of heat of combustion of
aviation fuels
3  Terms and definitions 
For the purpose of this standard, the following terms and definitions AND those
established in GB/T 1883.1, GB/T 1883.2, GB/T 6809.1, GB/T 6809.2, GB/T 6809.3, GB/T
6809.4, GB/T 6809.5, GB/T 6809.8 and ISO 7876-1 shall apply.
net powe...
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