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GB/T 13219-2018: Scandium oxide
GB/T 13219-2018
ICS 77.120.99
H 65
Replacing GB/T 13219-2010
Scandium oxide
ISSUED ON: JULY 13, 2018
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of PRC.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3 
1 Scope ... 5 
2 Normative references ... 5 
3 Requirements ... 5 
4 Test method ... 6 
5 Inspection rules ... 7 
6 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage and quality certificate ... 8 
Appendix A (Informative) Chemical analysis method of metal scandium and its
oxide - Determination of the total amount of rare earths - Gravimetric method
... 11 
Appendix B (Informative) Metal scandium and its oxide chemical analysis
method - Determination of lanthanum, cerium, praseodymium, neodymium,
samarium, europium, gadolinium, terbium, dysprosium, holmium, erbium,
thulium, ytterbium, lutetium, yttrium ... 14 
Appendix C (Informative) Chemical analysis method of scandium metal and
scandium oxide - Determination of content of silicon, iron, calcium, zirconium,
aluminum, titanium, copper, vanadium, magnesium, tantalum, thorium, sodium,
nickel - Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry ... 24 
Scandium oxide
1 Scope
This standard specifies the requirements, test methods, inspection rules and
packaging, marking, transportation, storage and quality certificates of scandium
This standard is applicable to scandium oxide produced by extraction method,
ion exchange method or extraction chromatography method for use in laser,
electric light source, atomic energy, electronics, metallurgy and other fields.
2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document.
For dated reference documents, only the dated version applies to this document.
For undated reference documents, the latest version (including all amendments)
is applicable to this document.
GB/T 8170 Rules of rounding off for numerical values and expression and
judgement of limiting values
GB/T 12690.2 Chemical analysis methods for non-rare earth impurity of rare
earth metals and their oxides - Part 2: Determination of ignition loss content
of rare earth oxides - Gravimetric method
GB/T 12690.3 Chemical analysis methods for non-rare earth impurity of rare
earth metals and their oxides - Part 3: Determination of water content of rare
earth oxides - Gravimetric method
GB/T 17803 Designation system for rare earth products
3 Requirements
3.1 Product designations
The products are divided into five designations according to chemical
composition: Sc2O3-5N5, Sc2O3-5N, Sc2O3-4N, Sc2O3-3N5, Sc2O3-3N; the
method of expressing product designations shall comply with GB/T 17803.
3.2 Chemical composition
4.1.1 Refer to Appendix A for the analysis method of total rare earth (REO).
When the total amount of rare earths measured is more than 99%, the actual
value of the total amount of rare earths is calculated by the subtraction method,
that is (100% - Σ non-rare earth impurities).
4.1.2 Refer to Appendix B for the analysis method of rare earth impurity content.
4.1.3 Refer to Appendix C for the analysis method of non-rare earth impurity
4.1.4 The analysis method of ignition loss and moisture shall be carried out in
accordance with the provisions of GB/T 12690.2 and GB/T 12690.3.
4.1.5 The absolute purity of scandium oxide (Sc2O3) is calculated as [100% - (Σ
Rare earth impurities + Σ non-rare earth impurities)].
4.1.6 The relative purity (Sc2O3/REO) of scandium oxide (Sc2O3) is calculated
as (100% - Σ rare earth impurities/REO).
4.2 Numerical rounding
It is performed according to the provisions of GB/T 8170.
4.3 Appearance quality
Under natural scattered light, visually check the appearance quality.
5 Inspection rules
5.1 Inspection and acceptance
5.1.1 The product is inspected by the supplier's quality inspection department,
to ensure that the product meets the requirements of this standard; meanwhile
it shall fill the product quality certificate.
5.1.2 The purchaser shall inspect the received product. If the inspection result
does not conform to the provisions of this standard, it shall notice the supplier
within 2 months from the date of receipt of the product; the supplier and the
buyer shall negotiate and resolve it. If arbitration is needed, it can be entrusted
to a unit recognized by both parties to conduct a joint sampling on the buyer's
5.2 Group-batching
Products shall be submitted for inspection in batches; each batch shall consist
of products of the same designation.
5.3 Inspection items
c) The name of the product manufacturer;
d) Product name and designation;
e) Lot number;
f) Gross weight and net weight;
g) Packing date;
h) Sign or words of "moisture-proof".
6.1.2 The products are packed in double-layer plastic bags or plastic bottles,
each bag (bottle) has a net weight of 0.1 kg, 0.25 kg, 0.5 kg, 1 kg. Then put the
bag (bottle) in an iron drum (wooden box, carton or plastic box); the net weight
of each iron drum (wooden box, carton or plastic box) is 0.5 kg, 1 kg, 5 kg, 10
6.2 Transportation and storage
The product shall be protected from rain and moisture during transportation; it
shall be stored in a dry place and shall not be stacked in the open air.
6.3 Quality certificate
Each batch of products shall be accompanied by a quality certificate, which
shall indicate:
a) Product name;
b) Supplier's name, address, telephone, fax;
c) Name, address, telephone, fax of the manufacturer of raw mineral
d) The name, address, telephone, fax of the product manufacturer;
e) Designation and batch number;
f) Quantity (net weight and number of pieces);
g) Various analysis inspection results and the supplier's quality inspection
department's imprint;
h) Date of issuance;
i) This standard number or contract number;
j) Production date (indicate the year, month, day; if the production date has
Appendix A
Chemical analysis method of metal scandium and its oxide -
Determination of the total amount of rare earths - Gravimetric method
A.1 Scope
This method specifies the determination method for the total amount of rare
earths in scandium oxide.
This method is suitable for the determination of the total amount of rare earths
in scandium oxide. Measuring range: 90.00% ~ 99.50%.
A.2 Principle of the method
The sample is dissolved in hydrochloric acid; the rare earth is precipitated by
ammonia water to separate calcium and magnesium. The precipitate is
dissolved by hydrochloric acid; the oxalic acid is used to precipitate rare earths.
The total amount of rare earth oxide is determined by gravimetric method after
precipitation and ignition.
A.3 Reagents
A.3.1 Hydrochloric acid (ρ = 1.19 g/mL), excellent grade pure.
A.3.2 Hydrochloric acid (1 + 1), excellent grade pure.
A.3.3 Ammonia (1 + 1), excellent grade pure.
A.3.4 Oxalic acid solution (50 g/L), excellent grade pure.
A.3.5 Oxalic acid solution (20 g/L), excellent grade pure.
A.3.6 Ammonia-ammonium chloride solution (20 g/L), which is adjust to pH 9 ~
10 with ammonia water (A.3.3).
A.3.7 Cresol red indicator (1 g/L), prepared with ethanol.
A.4 Specimen
The oxide specimen is dried at 105 °C for 2 h, placed in a desiccator, cooled to
room temperat...
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