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GB/T 11457-2006: Information technology -- Software engineering terminology
GB/T 11457-2006
ICS 35.080
L 77
Replacing GB/T 11457-1995
Information technology -
Software engineering terminology
Issued by: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3 
1 Scope ... 5 
2 Terms, definitions and abbreviations ... 5 
English index ... 274 
Information technology -
Software engineering terminology
1 Scope
This Standard defines general terms in the field of software engineering. It is
applicable to software development, use and maintenance, research, teaching
and publishing.
2 Terms, definitions and abbreviations
2.1 1GL
1GL is acronym for first generation language. See: machine language (2.890).
2.2 2GL
2GL is acronym for second generation language. See: assembly language
2.3 3GL
3GL is acronym for third generation language. See: high order language (2.702).
2.4 4GL
4GL is acronym for fourth generation language. See: 2.654.
2.5 5GL
5GL is acronym for fifth generation language. See: 2.623.
2.6 abend
Abbreviation for abnormal end. A process is terminated before it is completed.
See also: abort (2.8) and exception (2.575).
2.7 abnormal end
A process is terminated before it is completed. See also: abort (2.8) and
exception (2.575).
2.8 abort
2.15 abstract data type
A data type for which only the properties of the data and the operations to be
performed on the data are specified, without concern for how the data will be
represented or how the operations will be implemented.
2.16 abstract machine
a) A representation of a process or machine;
b) A module that handles input like a machine.
2.17 abstraction
a) A view of an object that focuses on the information relevant to a particular
purpose and ignores the remainder of the information;
b) The process of formulating a view as in a).
See also: data abstraction (2.388).
2.18 acceptance criteria; acceptance criterion
The criteria that a system or component must satisfy in order to be accepted by
a user, customer, or other authorized entity.
See also: requirement (2.1361) and test criteria (2.1699).
2.19 acceptance testing
a) Formal testing conducted to determine whether or not a system satisfies
its acceptance criteria and to enable the customer to determine whether
or not to accept the system;
See also: qualification testing (2.1291), system testing (2.1669).
b) Formal testing conducted to enable a user, customer, or other authorized
entity to determine whether to accept a system or component.
See also: operational testing (2.1065) and qualification testing (2.1291).
Contrast with: development testing (2.468).
2.20 accessibility
The degree of ease with which software elements are used or maintained.
2.21 access-control mechanism
A characteristic operating process or management process of hardware or
See also: software process improvement proposal (2.1517).
2.28 action sequence
A representation of the sequence that determines the action.
2.29 action state
A state to indicate that an atomic action is performed (typically an operation is
2.30 activation
Perform an action.
2.31 active class
A class that its example is active object.
See also: active object (2.33).
2.32 active file
A file that has not exceeded the end time.
2.33 active object
An object that has a thread and can initiate control activities. An example of
active class.
See also: active class (2.31) and thread (2.1732).
2.34 active redundancy
In fault tolerance, the use of redundant elements operating simultaneously to
prevent, or permit recovery from failures.
Contrast with: standby redundancy (2.1565).
2.35 activity
a) A constituent element of a process;
NOTE: Changes to the baseline are subject to formal approval by the relevant agency.
b) Any of the steps taken or any of the functions performed for a purpose,
mental or physical. Activity includes all the work that managers and
technicians do to complete the tasks of a project and an organization.
2.36 activity graph
2.44 address
a) A number, character, or group of characters that identifies a register,
device, memory specific part or some other data source or destination;
b) Used to specify a device or a data item;
c) To refer to a device or storage location by an identifying number, character,
or group of characters.
See also: absolute address (2.9), effective address (2.531), implied address
(2.731), indirect address (2.744), relative address (2.1331), relocatable address
(2.1342), symbolic address (2.1636) and virtual address (2.1836).
2.45 address field
Any of the fields of a computer instruction that contain addresses, information
necessary to derive addresses, or values of operands.
Contrast with: operation field (2.1060).
2.46 address format
a) The number and arrangement of address fields in a computer instruction.
See also: n-address instruction (2.1002) and n-plus-one address instruction
b) The number and arrangement of elements within an address, such as the
elements needed to identify a particular channel, device, disk sector, and
record in magnetic disk storage.
2.47 address modification
Any arithmetic, logical, or syntactic operation performed on an address.
See also: effective address (2.531), indexed address (2.740), relative address
(2.1331) and relocatable address (2.1342).
2.48 address part
See: address field (2.45).
2.49 address space
a) The addresses that a computer program can access.
NOTE: In some systems, this may be the set of physical storage locations that a
program can access, disjoint from other programs, together with the set of virtual
understand an algorithm so as to modify, simplify or improve it.
2.56 algorithmic language
A programming language designed for expressing algorithms; for example,
See also: algebraic language (2.53), list processing language (2.860) and logic
programming language (2.873).
2.57 allocated baseline
In configuration management, the initial approved specifications governing the
development of configuration items that are part of a higher-level configuration
See also: allocated configuration identification (2.58).
Contrast with: developmental configuration (2.470), functional baseline (2.659)
and product baseline (2.1213).
2.58 allocated configuration identification
In configuration management, the current approved specifications governing
the development of configuration items that are part of a higher-level
configuration item. Each specification defines the functional characteristics that
are al located from those of the higher-level configuration item, establishes the
tests required to demonstrate achievement of its allocated functional
characteristics, delineates necessary inter - face requirements with other
associated configuration items, and establishes design constraints (if any).
See also: allocated baseline (2.57).
Contrast with: functional configuration identification (2.663) and product
configuration identification (2.1215).
2.59 alias
a) Another name for an item;
b) A replacement label; for example, a label and one or more aliases can be
used to indicate the same el...
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