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GB/T 10357.6-2013: Test of mechanical properties of furniture -- Part 6: Strength and durability of beds
GB/T 10357.6-2013
ICS 97.140
Y 80
Replacing GB/T 10357.6-1992
Test of Mechanical Properties of Furniture -
Part 6. Strength and Durability of Beds
Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Quarantine of the People's Republic of China;
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 5
2 General Test Conditions ... 5
3 Test Facilities ... 6
4 Test Items and Procedures ... 10
5 Evaluation of Test Results ... 17
"Test of Mechanical Properties of Furniture" (GB/T 10357) is divided into 8 parts.
- Part 1. Strength and Durability of Tables;
- Part 2. Stability of Chairs and Stools;
- Part 3. Strength and Durability of Chairs and Stools;
- Part 4. Stability of Storage Units;
- Part 5. Strength and Durability of Storage Units;
- Part 6. Strength and Durability of Beds;
- Part 7. Stability of Tables;
- Part 8. Stability of Chairs with Tilting or Reclining Mechanisms when Fully
Reclined, and Rocking Chairs.
This is Part 6 of GB/T 10357.
This part is drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This part supersedes "Test of Mechanical Properties of Furniture - Strength and
Durability of Beds" (GB/T 10357.6-1992).
Compared with GB/T 10357.6-1992, the main technical changes in this part are as
- Pretreatment is added;
- Loading requirements are added;
- Precision is added;
- Test equipment requirements are added;
- Test procedures are added;
- Size of loading pad of horizontal static load for bed end structure is modified.
Attention shall be drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document
may involve patent rights. The issuance organization of this document shall not
undertake the responsibility of identifying these patents.
This part is proposed by China National Light Industry Council.
Test of Mechanical Properties of Furniture -
Part 6. Strength and Durability of Beds
1 Scope
This part of GB/T 10357 specifies test methods for the strength and durability of beds.
This part is applicable to various hard-surface beds used in households and hotels.
Beds of other types may also be implemented by reference to this part according to
their use functions.
2 General Test Conditions
2.1 Specimen
Specimen shall be completely assembled deliverable finished product. Assembling
shall be carried out according to the instructions provided along with the product by
the manufacturer. Where there are several assembly methods, it shall be assembled
and tested with the method which is most unfavorable to the mechanical property
inspection and recorded in the inspection report. Where assembling structure is not
provided, the assembly method shall be recorded in the inspection report. The
connecting piece shall be fastened before the test. Unless specially requested in the
manufacturer's instructions, the connecting piece shall not be refastened during the
For specimen manufactured with bonding method, it shall be stored for at least 7d in
normal indoor environment since the manufacturing or assembly and before the test.
The specimen shall be thoroughly inspected before test; attention shall be paid to
defects of all components and accessories so as to distinguish the defects caused by
test; the dimensions of all components are measured and well recorded so as to
determine the permanent deformation caused by test.
Where possible, the test shall be carried out according to the procedures specified in
this part, and all tests shall be completed on the same specimen. The test procedure
deviating from those specified in this part shall be recorded in the test report.
2.2 Test environment
Unless otherwise specified, the temperature of test environment is 15~25℃ while the
relative humidity is 40%~70%.
2.3 Loading requirements
During static load test, the force application speed shall be as slow as possible to
ensure that the additional dynamic load is small enough to be neglected. Unless
otherwise stated in the contract, each applied load shall be maintained for 10~30s.
During impact test, the impact body shall be able to fall freely.
During durability test, the loading speed shall ensure that kinetic heating does not
occur. Unless otherwise specified, each load shall be maintained for (2±1)s, where
suspension is necessary, the loading force shall be shut down.
It shall be ensured that the automatic closing device of specimen and the damper are
loaded under normal operation state.
The applied force may be replaced by mass and the conversion relationship is
2.4 Precision
Unless otherwise specified, the following measuring precisions shall be adopted.
- Loading force. ±5% of the rated value;
- Mass. ±1% of the rated value;
- Dimension. the permissible error for positioning dimension of loading pad is ±10mm
while the permissible measurement error for deformation amount of specimen is
- Angle. ±2°;
- Position precision of loading pad. ±5mm.
3 Test Facilities
3.1 General requirements for test device
Unless otherwise specified, any appropriate test device may be adopted for the test;
the reason is that the test result only depends on whether the applied force is correct
rather than the device itself.
Test device shall not impede the deformation of specimen, namely the test device
shall be able to move with the specimen during the test to ensure that the load is
L - the clear length of bed base.
Figure 10 -- Static Load Test for Long Side of Bed
Measure the ground clearance of long side midpoint H3 immediately after the last
unloading; where the long side midpoint of bed is supported, measure the ground
clearance of the quartering point of the long side, and calculate the residual
deformation amount.
Δ3=H30-H3 ... (3)
△3 - the residual deformation amount, mm;
H30 - the ground clearance of long side midpoint before test, mm;
H3 - the ground clearance of long side midpoint after test, mm.
Conduct the same test for the other long side of the bed.
4.5 Structure durability test for bed
Block the bed ward off with chock block to avoid bed movement during test.
Arrange 1000N balancing load on the bed base center with 350mm loading pad.
Take two points, A and B, which are 50mm away from the same long side, from two
short sides of the bed base, and another two points, C and D, which are 50mm away
from the same short side, from two long sides of the bed base (4 loading points in
total). The height of loading point is the same with that of the bed base; where the bed
base is movable, the loading height is the same as that of the side rail.
Horizontally inward apply 300N force which is vertical to bedside according to the
sequence of Points of A, B, C and D in turn with 50mm loading pad, regard the above
operation as a cycle; conduct each cycle in (10±1)s and 10,000 cycles in total (see
Figure 11).

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