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GB 24803.1-2009 English PDF (GB24803.1-2009)

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GB 24803.1-2009: [GB/T 24803.1-2009] Safety requirements for lifts -- Part 1: Global essential safety requirements (GESRs) for lifts
GB 24803.1-2009
Safety requirements for lifts - Part 1. Global essential safety requirements (GESRs) for lifts
ICS 91.140.90
National Standards of People's Republic of China
GB 24803.1-2009/ISO /TS22559-1.2004
Elevator safety requirements
Part 1. Basic safety requirements for lift
(ISO /T S22559-1.2004, Safetyrequirementsforlifts (elevators) -
Part 1. Globalessentialsafetyrequirements (GESRs) forlifts (elevators), IDT)
Published 2009-12-15
2010-09-01 implementation
Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China
Standardization Administration of China issued
Table of Contents
Introduction Ⅲ
Introduction Ⅳ
1 Scope 1
2 Normative References 1
3 Terms, Definitions and Abbreviations 1
4 ways and 5
4.1 Background 5
4.2 5 ways
4.3 Method 5
5 Elevator understanding and implementation of the essential safety requirements 7
5.1 General 7
5.2 Elevator essential safety requirements of the application 7
5.3 Application of section 8
6 Lift the basic safety requirements 10
6.1 General Elevator associated with staff in different locations of the basic safety requirements 10
6.2 associated with the person close to the elevator elevator basic safety requirements 11
6.3 associated with personnel located at the entrance of the elevator basic safety requirements 11
6.4 associated with the person carrying the apparatus basic safety requirements elevator 12
6.5 associated with the work area staff elevator basic safety requirements 13
Elevator essential safety requirements of Annex A (informative) and lift sub-system overview 15
Reference 20
GB 24803.1-2009/ISO /TS22559-1.2004
This part Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, of Chapter 4, Appendix A are recommended, the rest are mandatory.
GB 24803 "Elevator Safety Requirements" using ISO /T S22559, consists of the following three parts.
--- Part 1. Basic elevator safety requirements;
--- Part 2. meet the basic security parameters elevator safety requirements;
--- part 3. Elevator conformity assessment procedures.
Note. Part 2 and Part 3 are being developed.
This section GB 24803 Part 1, identical with ISO /T S22559-1.2004 "Elevator Safety requirements - Part 1. Global
Elevator basic safety requirements "(in English).
This part of the background, ways and methods related to ISO /T S22559-1 generated Chapter 4 appropriate to indicate in the introduction, but in order to
ISO /T S22559-1.2004 consistency, and ease of understanding, the part remains in the body.
This part of the ISO /T S22559-1.2004 There are no differences in the technical content, in order to facilitate the use of editorial changes made the following.
ISO /T S22559-1.2004 Chapter 3, "the terms, definitions and abbreviations" some provisions together with an indication of the ISO /T S14798 cited and
ISO /IEC Guide 51.1999 standard terms of number two, because identical with ISO /T S14798.2006 of GB/T 20900-2007
Specifically for the elevator art, therefore, the terms "terms, definitions and abbreviations" in this section indicate corresponding only referenced
GB/T 20900-2007 corresponding article number, which in this part of the document cited in normative also deleted the ISO /IEC Guide 51.1999.
Appendix A of this section information appendix.
This section presents the elevator and administered by the National Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC196).
This section is drafted. Construction Mechanization Research Branch of the China Academy of Building Research.
Participated in the drafting of this section. Shanghai Mitsubishi Elevator Co., Ltd., Hitachi Elevator (China) Co., Ltd., KONE, Schindler
(China) Elevator Co., Otis Elevator (China) Investment Co., Ltd., Southeast Elevator (Group) Co., Ltd., Huasheng Fujitec elevators have
Limited, West Otis Elevator Co., Ltd., Shanghai Yongda Elevator Equipment Co., Ltd., Suzhou Jiangnan Jiajie Elevator Co., Thyssen
Elevator Co., Ltd., Giant Kone Elevator Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Elevator Industry Co., Ltd., Shenyang Brilliant Elevator Co., Xuchang West
Ji Elevator Company.
The main drafters of this section. Chen Fengwang, Wu Zhu standard, Luguo Xiong, Ma Lingyun, Yi Jun, Shen Yan, Ma Yiping, Chen Lu Yang, Wen Aimin, Hong Hao,
Wei Shanhu, Huang Limin, Huang Wen Ping, Yin Zheng, Li Cai, Wang Yongqiang.
GB 24803.1-2009/ISO /TS22559-1.2004
Introduction 1)
0.1 after the ISO /T R11071 first and second part of the publication, notice the difference the elevator safety standards, agree on the need for a global power
ISO specification ladder basic safety requirements. The work can only begin after ISO /T S14798 completed. In the development of ISO /T S22559 Elevator
Process safety requirements, ISO /T S14798 is an essential tool.
0.2 Objective series of standards is.
a) for all personnel associated with the use of an elevator or lift, the provisions of universal security level;
b) In order to promote innovation and the existing local, national or regional safety standards not covered elevator technology, while maintaining the same safety guarantee
Full level, if this becomes the innovative application of technology, then later they can be included in the detailed safety standards;
c) In order to eliminate trade barriers.
NOTE. ISO /T S22559-2 the basic security parameters include global elevator (GESPs), specified in this section GESRs application and implementation process, these
Further parameters play a supporting role.
0.3 Section 4 describes the methods used to develop ways and this section. Chapter 5 gives guidance on the use and implementation of GESRs. The first
Chapter 6 GESRs. Each GESR provisions of a security purpose, namely. what is to be achieved, rather than how to do it. This allows for future technological innovation
And new development. Appendix A gives an overview of the elevator subsystem related GESRs.
0.4 part of basic security standard ISO /IEC Guide 51 terminology.
1) INTRODUCTION This system ISO /T S22559-1.2004 introduction.
GB 24803.1-2009/ISO /TS22559-1.2004
Elevator safety requirements
Part 1. Basic safety requirements for lift
Range 1
This part of the 1.1 GB 24803
--- predetermined elevator, lift elevator safety requirements basic components and functions;
--- the establishment of a system and provides a method to reduce security risks during elevator use or operation that may arise.
1.2 part applicable to the elevator manned, these elevators.
Except a) and mounted in any permanent fixed structure or building, installed in the following places.
1) private residential (single-family); and
2) transportation equipment, such as. ship.
b) any
1) the size and speed of the rated load, the carrier means; and
2) from the hall and a number of run.
c) within the carrier by fire, earthquake, flood or weather.
d) be misused (eg. overload), without regard to vandalism.
1.3 does not apply to.
a) all persons with disabilities to use requires 2). or
b) the risks arising from the following situations.
1) manufacture, modification and removal operations of the elevator;
2) fire, when using the emergency evacuation;
3) vandalism; and
4) fire the external carrier.
2) Evaluation of the elevator while the basic safety requirements specified in this section have been identified and assessed by the risk, it is not necessary to consider the use of all personnel
Or a combination of disability disability.
2 Normative references
Terms of the following documents constitute provisions of this section by reference in this section 24803 of GB . All the...
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