GB 16735-2004 English PDF (GB16735-2004)
GB 16735-2004 English PDF (GB16735-2004)
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GB 16735-2004: Road vehicle -- Vehicle identification number (VIN)
GB 16735-2004
ICS 43.020
T 04
Replacing GB/T 16735-1997, GB/T 16736-1997
Road Vehicle - Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
ISSUED ON: JUNE 21, 2004
Issued by: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine
of the People's Republic of China;
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 5
2 Normative references ... 5
3 Terms and definitions ... 5
4 Content and structure of VIN ... 7
5 Attachment methods and labelling location of VIN ... 11
6 Marking responsibility of vehicle manufacturer ... 12
7 Formulation rules of VIN ... 13
Annex A (Normative) Calculation method for check digit ... 14
Annex B (Informative) Description of vehicle type characteristics ... 16
Road Vehicle - Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the content and structure of a Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), so
as to establish, on a world-wide basis, a uniform identification numbering system for road
vehicles. This Standard also specifies the requirements for the location and marking of the
Vehicle Identification Number on vehicles.
This Standard applies to the motor vehicles, trailers, motorcycles and mopeds as defined in
GB/T 3730.1-2001 and GB/T 5359.1-1996, and other vehicles necessary to have VIN label.
2 Normative references
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute
the provisions of this Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid.
All standards are subject to revision. The parties who agree on this Standard are encouraged
to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated
below. For the reference documents without date, their newest editions apply to this Standard.
GB/T 3730.1-2001 Motor vehicles and trailers - Types - Terms and definitions (ISO
3833:1999, MOD)
GB/T 5359.1-1996 Motorcycles and mopeds - Terms - Vehicle types (neq ISO 3833:1977)
GB 16737-2004 Road vehicle - World manufacturer identifier (WMI) code (ISO 3780:1983,
GB/T 18410-2001 Bar code label of Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this Standard, the following terms and definitions apply.
3.1 Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
A structured combination of characters that is assigned to a vehicle by the manufacturer for
identification purposes.
3.2 World manufacturer identifier (WMI)
The first section of the VIN that designates the manufacturer of the vehicle. The code is
3.11 Year
There are two kinds of year -- one is the calendar year in which the vehicle was produced;
the other is the model year which was determined by the manufacturer.
3.12 Model year
The year that is used to designate a discrete vehicle model irrespective of the calendar year
in which the vehicle was actually produced, so long as the actual period is less than two
calendar years.
3.13 Divider
A symbol, character or physical border that may be used to separate the sections of the VIN
or to define the limits (beginning and end) of the VIN. Dividers must not be confused with
Arabic numerals or Roman letters.
4 Content and structure of VIN
4.1 Basic content of VIN
The VIN, total of 17 characters, shall consist of three sections -- the world manufacturer
identifier (WMI), the vehicle descriptor section (VDS), and the vehicle indicator section (VIS).
For the manufacturers who annually produce 500 or more motor vehicles, the first section of
VIN shall be the world manufacturer identifier (WMI); the second section is the vehicle
descriptor section (VDS); and the last section is the vehicle indicator section (VIS) (see Figure
For the manufacturers who annually produce less than 500 motor vehicles, the first section
of VIN shall be the world manufacturer identifier (WMI); the second section shall be the vehicle
descriptor section (VDS); the third, fourth and fifth characters of the third section, together
with the three characters of the first section, shall make up the WMI, and the remaining five
characters of the third section shall be the vehicle indicator section (VIS) (See Figure 2).
4.5 Characters
Only the following Arabic numerals and capital Roman letters shall be used in the VIN:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
(The letters I, O and Q shall not be used.)
4.6 Dividers
The selection of the dividers to be used is at the discretion of the manufacturer. However, it
shall not be any character used in the VIN (see 4.5) or any character that could be confused
with a VIN character, e.g. ☆, ★.
5 Attachment methods and labelling location of VIN
5.1 The attachment methods of Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
For the attachment of the VIN, the manufacturer of the vehicle may choose between the
following solutions:
5.1.1 The VIN is directly marked on vehicle frame, or for vehicle body with frame, on a
structure part of the vehicle not easily removed or replaced.
5.1.2 The VIN is directly marked on number plate which, in turn, is permanently affixed to the
structure part of vehicle mentioned in 5.1.1 above.
5.2 The labeling location of Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
5.2.1 Each vehicle shall have its unique Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), located on
specified position on vehicle.
5.2.2 The VIN shall be located on the front half of the right side of the vehicle as far as possible,
and shall be located on a structure part of the vehicle which is easily visible and precludes
obliteration or alteration (except glass). It can also be located on other easily accessible and
observable positions if there is a structural limitation exiting.
5.2.3 The VIN shall be meanwhile marked on product number plate (two-wheel motorcycle
and moped may be excepted).
5.2.4 For vehicles of category M1 and N1, the VIN shall be meanwhile permanently marked
on the dashboard adjacent to the windscreen pillar. Its location shall be such that it can be
readable from outside the vehicle without moving any part of the vehicle in the day-time.
5.2.5 The vehicle manufacturer shall indicate the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) at least
in one kind of its Owner’s Handbook.
5.3 The labeling requirements of Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
5.3.1 The height of VIN characters shall be 7mm at least, and with a depth of at least 0.3mm
if it is marked directly on vehicle structure parts. For motorcycle and moped, the height of VIN
characters shall be 5mm at least, and with a depth of at least 0.2mm if it is marked directly on
vehicle structure parts. For any other cases, the height of VIN characters shall be 4mm at
5.3.2 The characters of the VIN shall, in all cases, be legible, durable and not easily altered.
5.3.3 The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) can be marked either in the form of manually
readable code or machine-readable bar code. If bar code is applied, it shall meet the
requirements in GB/T 18410-2001.
5.3.4 When the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is marked on vehicle or number plate, it
shall be shown on one line without using of dividers as far as possible. In special situation, if
the VIN must be shown on two lines due to technical reasons, there shall be no blank line in-
between, and there shall be a divider at the beginning and ending of each line.
5.3.5 ...
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GB 16735-2004: Road vehicle -- Vehicle identification number (VIN)
GB 16735-2004
ICS 43.020
T 04
Replacing GB/T 16735-1997, GB/T 16736-1997
Road Vehicle - Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
ISSUED ON: JUNE 21, 2004
Issued by: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine
of the People's Republic of China;
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 5
2 Normative references ... 5
3 Terms and definitions ... 5
4 Content and structure of VIN ... 7
5 Attachment methods and labelling location of VIN ... 11
6 Marking responsibility of vehicle manufacturer ... 12
7 Formulation rules of VIN ... 13
Annex A (Normative) Calculation method for check digit ... 14
Annex B (Informative) Description of vehicle type characteristics ... 16
Road Vehicle - Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the content and structure of a Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), so
as to establish, on a world-wide basis, a uniform identification numbering system for road
vehicles. This Standard also specifies the requirements for the location and marking of the
Vehicle Identification Number on vehicles.
This Standard applies to the motor vehicles, trailers, motorcycles and mopeds as defined in
GB/T 3730.1-2001 and GB/T 5359.1-1996, and other vehicles necessary to have VIN label.
2 Normative references
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute
the provisions of this Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid.
All standards are subject to revision. The parties who agree on this Standard are encouraged
to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated
below. For the reference documents without date, their newest editions apply to this Standard.
GB/T 3730.1-2001 Motor vehicles and trailers - Types - Terms and definitions (ISO
3833:1999, MOD)
GB/T 5359.1-1996 Motorcycles and mopeds - Terms - Vehicle types (neq ISO 3833:1977)
GB 16737-2004 Road vehicle - World manufacturer identifier (WMI) code (ISO 3780:1983,
GB/T 18410-2001 Bar code label of Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this Standard, the following terms and definitions apply.
3.1 Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
A structured combination of characters that is assigned to a vehicle by the manufacturer for
identification purposes.
3.2 World manufacturer identifier (WMI)
The first section of the VIN that designates the manufacturer of the vehicle. The code is
3.11 Year
There are two kinds of year -- one is the calendar year in which the vehicle was produced;
the other is the model year which was determined by the manufacturer.
3.12 Model year
The year that is used to designate a discrete vehicle model irrespective of the calendar year
in which the vehicle was actually produced, so long as the actual period is less than two
calendar years.
3.13 Divider
A symbol, character or physical border that may be used to separate the sections of the VIN
or to define the limits (beginning and end) of the VIN. Dividers must not be confused with
Arabic numerals or Roman letters.
4 Content and structure of VIN
4.1 Basic content of VIN
The VIN, total of 17 characters, shall consist of three sections -- the world manufacturer
identifier (WMI), the vehicle descriptor section (VDS), and the vehicle indicator section (VIS).
For the manufacturers who annually produce 500 or more motor vehicles, the first section of
VIN shall be the world manufacturer identifier (WMI); the second section is the vehicle
descriptor section (VDS); and the last section is the vehicle indicator section (VIS) (see Figure
For the manufacturers who annually produce less than 500 motor vehicles, the first section
of VIN shall be the world manufacturer identifier (WMI); the second section shall be the vehicle
descriptor section (VDS); the third, fourth and fifth characters of the third section, together
with the three characters of the first section, shall make up the WMI, and the remaining five
characters of the third section shall be the vehicle indicator section (VIS) (See Figure 2).
4.5 Characters
Only the following Arabic numerals and capital Roman letters shall be used in the VIN:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
(The letters I, O and Q shall not be used.)
4.6 Dividers
The selection of the dividers to be used is at the discretion of the manufacturer. However, it
shall not be any character used in the VIN (see 4.5) or any character that could be confused
with a VIN character, e.g. ☆, ★.
5 Attachment methods and labelling location of VIN
5.1 The attachment methods of Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
For the attachment of the VIN, the manufacturer of the vehicle may choose between the
following solutions:
5.1.1 The VIN is directly marked on vehicle frame, or for vehicle body with frame, on a
structure part of the vehicle not easily removed or replaced.
5.1.2 The VIN is directly marked on number plate which, in turn, is permanently affixed to the
structure part of vehicle mentioned in 5.1.1 above.
5.2 The labeling location of Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
5.2.1 Each vehicle shall have its unique Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), located on
specified position on vehicle.
5.2.2 The VIN shall be located on the front half of the right side of the vehicle as far as possible,
and shall be located on a structure part of the vehicle which is easily visible and precludes
obliteration or alteration (except glass). It can also be located on other easily accessible and
observable positions if there is a structural limitation exiting.
5.2.3 The VIN shall be meanwhile marked on product number plate (two-wheel motorcycle
and moped may be excepted).
5.2.4 For vehicles of category M1 and N1, the VIN shall be meanwhile permanently marked
on the dashboard adjacent to the windscreen pillar. Its location shall be such that it can be
readable from outside the vehicle without moving any part of the vehicle in the day-time.
5.2.5 The vehicle manufacturer shall indicate the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) at least
in one kind of its Owner’s Handbook.
5.3 The labeling requirements of Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
5.3.1 The height of VIN characters shall be 7mm at least, and with a depth of at least 0.3mm
if it is marked directly on vehicle structure parts. For motorcycle and moped, the height of VIN
characters shall be 5mm at least, and with a depth of at least 0.2mm if it is marked directly on
vehicle structure parts. For any other cases, the height of VIN characters shall be 4mm at
5.3.2 The characters of the VIN shall, in all cases, be legible, durable and not easily altered.
5.3.3 The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) can be marked either in the form of manually
readable code or machine-readable bar code. If bar code is applied, it shall meet the
requirements in GB/T 18410-2001.
5.3.4 When the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is marked on vehicle or number plate, it
shall be shown on one line without using of dividers as far as possible. In special situation, if
the VIN must be shown on two lines due to technical reasons, there shall be no blank line in-
between, and there shall be a divider at the beginning and ending of each line.
5.3.5 ...